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    YIRI ARTS Group includes Escents Aromaliving, Sonnentor Cafe, and Coyuchi Organic Bedding. We believe the beginning of each day starts with an attitude of aesthetic living – With pure essential oils extracted from plants and flowers, Escents takes care of your body naturally; With ingredients derived from natural farming, Sonnentor Cafe provides no-additive cuisine; Coyuchi upolds the principles of Fair Trade through organic bedding. In addition to fulfilling your daily needs, our goal is to bring aesthetic living into everyday life, letting both body and mind enjoy green

    Sonnentor Arts Space demonstrates the incorporation of artwork with life – we have faith that art can change society. Starting with Sonnentor Cafe in July of 2012, we exhibit a wide variety of works including paintings, sculptures, installation, and other styles with the goal of sharing “diversity" and “youth". We have also been in close cooperation with groups in conducting events such as the Taipei Poetry Festival and theatre performances, and hold many talks and forums in tandem with exhibitions. Developing “aesthetics" through the framework of “living"; “arts" through “cuisine".

    日光大道富錦藝術空間(日光大道富錦廚坊)Sonnentor Arts Fujin Space
    Tel) 02-2767-6211
    Open) [Mon-Fri] 11:00 – 22:00 [Sat-Sun] 08:00 – 22:00
    Add) 台北市富錦街421號 (Google Map)
    No.421, Fujin St., Songshan Dist., Taipei City

    日光大道天母藝術空間(日光大道天母廚坊)Sonnentor Arts Tianmu Space
    Tel) 02-2874-0208
    Open) 8:00am – 22:00
    Add) 台北市士林區天玉街38巷18弄6號1樓 (Google Map)
    1F., No.6, Aly. 18, Ln. 38, Tianyu St., Shilin Dist., Taipei City

    伊聖詩私房書櫃 Escents Bookcase
    Tel) 02-2362-1134
    Open) 12:00 – 21:00
    Add) 台北市新生南路三段22巷7-1號 (Google Map)
    No.7-1, Ln. 22, Sec. 3, Xinsheng S. Rd., Da’an Dist., Taipei City

    伊日美學生活台南空間 YIRI ARTS Tainan Space
    Tel) 06-2211-800
    Open) 11:30 – 22:00
    Add) 台南市中西區中正路31號 (Google Map)
    No.31, Zhongzheng Rd., West Central Dist., Tainan City

    藝術櫥窗計畫(伊聖詩台北101形象概念店)ART 101
    Tel) 02-8101-7660
    Open) 11:00 – 21:30
    Add) 台北市信義區市府路45號1樓(台北101購物中心1F美妝區,信義大門口) (Google Map)
    1F., No.45, Shifu Rd., Xinyi Dist., Taipei City


    日光大道富錦藝術空間(日光大道富錦廚坊)Sonnentor Arts Fujin Space
    Tel) 02-2767-6211
    Open) [Mon-Fri] 11:00 – 22:00 [Sat-Sun] 08:00 – 22:00
    Add) 台北市富錦街421號 (Google Map)
    No.421, Fujin St., Songshan Dist., Taipei City
    日光大道天母藝術空間(日光大道天母廚坊)Sonnentor Arts Tianmu Space
    Tel) 02-2874-0208
    Open) 8:00am – 22:00
    Add) 台北市士林區天玉街38巷18弄6號1樓 (Google Map)
    1F., No.6, Aly. 18, Ln. 38, Tianyu St., Shilin Dist., Taipei City
    伊聖詩私房書櫃 Escents Bookcase
    Tel) 02-2362-1134
    Open) 12:00 – 21:00
    Add) 台北市新生南路三段22巷7-1號 (Google Map)
    No.7-1, Ln. 22, Sec. 3, Xinsheng S. Rd., Da’an Dist., Taipei City
    伊日美學生活台南空間 YIRI ARTS Tainan Space
    Tel) 06-2211-800
    Open) 11:30 – 22:00
    Add) 台南市中西區中正路31號 (Google Map)
    No.31, Zhongzheng Rd., West Central Dist., Tainan City
    藝術櫥窗計畫(伊聖詩台北101形象概念店)ART 101
    Tel) 02-8101-7660
    Open) 11:00 – 21:30
    Add) 台北市信義區市府路45號1樓(台北101購物中心1F美妝區,信義大門口) (Google Map)
    1F., No.45, Shifu Rd., Xinyi Dist., Taipei City

