MoNTUE在國立台北教育大學設立,這間學校已有一百多年歷史,曾孕育多位台灣前輩畫家,在台灣近代美術史上具有獨特意義。林曼麗老師策畫領導的MoNTUE,館舍本體是由江之豪建築師設計,日本建築師豐田啟介(Keisuke Toyoda)進行室內裝修,建築物面向城市馬路的一側由大片玻璃窗構成,開放的建築語彙讓MoNTUE因此成為城市與校園之間的藝術觸媒。
MoNTUE was established under the National Taipei University of Educationin in 2011. This century old school that had nurtured a number of Taiwan’s masterpainters has a unique place in Taiwan’s contemporary art history.
Envisioned by Dr Lin Mun-Lee, the building was designed by architect JiangZhi-Hao while the interior design was executed by Japanese architect KeisukeToyoda. Facing the city are large floor to ceiling windows, the openness andpenetration of light and space makes it a perfect place for artistic dialoguebetween the school and the city.
As a university museum, the flexibility of the school’s academic andtalent resources not only allows for a more experimental curatorial focus but achance to explore the potential of future art museums. To date, MoNTUE hascollaborated with several international organizations such as the MetropolitanMuseum of Art in New York, the Louvre in Paris and Tokyo University of theArts.
Currently MoNTUE is working on realizing two mainobjectives: firstly to reinforce the museum as a place of discussion andsentiment and secondly to showcase the interactions between all art forms. Tofulfill MoNTUE’s mission to promote aesthetics education, several publicprograms ”Study Tour H.Q.” were implemented with participation ofschoolchildren, teachers, schools and communities to generate constant dialoguebetween arts, culture and society.
展期本館開放時間:週二至週日,10:00-17:00Opening Hours: Tuesday to Sunday, 10:00-17:00
Tel: 02-27321104 ext. 83401/ ext. 63492
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