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    「菁英藝術家三重奏」為台灣唯一獲推選為「史坦威藝術家室內樂團」(Steinway Artist Ensemble) 殊榮之室內樂團。成立於2007年,由旅美鋼琴家陳玲玉,旅奧小提琴家林文川及旅俄大提琴家婭力木等三位優秀音樂家秉持著以古典音樂影響文化的熱忱下所成立。三位音樂家成員兼具專業演奏技巧與教學實務經驗,每年皆隨季節、時序為主軸,定期推出不同風格及曲風的系列音樂會,於台灣及海外巡迴演出,以具有主題的方式介紹曲目並呈現與聽眾。長期致力於台灣音樂文化之提昇及耕耘,近年來委託多位優秀作曲家改編台灣民謠,客家民謠,原住民音樂等。並且投入公益音樂會,於弱勢團體、偏鄉原住民學校、養老院、醫院等舉辦音樂會。

    2013年暑假受邀參加愛丁堡藝穗節,並於同年發行首張專輯「印象‧福爾摩沙」(Formosa Impression) 專輯收錄台灣當代優秀作曲家之作品及多首台灣民謠改編之作品,受到廣大聽眾之喜愛。2014年暑假受邀至美國舊金山及加拿大多倫多、溫哥華演出。2015年暑假受邀至美國達拉斯及休士頓等地演出。多年來,已累積近五百場以上演出經驗並培養高度默契。其多采多姿的音色、厚實豐富的感情,與合作無間的默契,深獲聽眾的好評。三位音樂家之完美默契共同激盪出鋼琴三重奏極致的音樂表現力。

    The Elite Artists Trio is the only Taiwanese chamber ensemble to have been honorably designated as a “Steinway Artists Ensemble” It is among the most sought after chamber groups in Taiwan, with a reputation for stimulating performances, breadth of repertoire and exceptional audience rapport. The trio was founded by three accomplished artists. Individually they are multiple award-winning performers and university professors, and together they bring a dynamic range of musicianship. All three artists, the pianist, Sherry Chen, the violinist, Wen-Chuan Lin and the cellist Ya Limu, have performed internationally as guests of numerous music festivals and as soloists with orchestras.

    The Elite Artists Trio has dedicated itself to the advancement of Taiwan's music culture. It has in recent years commissioned emerging and established composers to rearranged Taiwanese, Hakka and aboriginal folk songs. It is also dedicated to performing contemporary works and to the promotion of Taiwanese composers of piano trio literature. The trio also performs regularly at churches, senior homes, hospitals and charity concerts.

    In 2013, the trio released its debut album “Formosa Impression” containing works of outstanding contemporary Taiwanese composers as well as arrangements of Taiwanese folk songs. Since 2007, the trio has performed extensively throughout Asia, Europe, the US and Canada. In 2013, the trio was invited to perform at the Edinburgh Festival. In 2014 the trio toured in San Francisco and was invited to perform in Toronto and Vancouver in Canada.

    In 2014, the trio was honored with the prestigious title of "Steinway Artist Ensemble".


    10099 台北市郵政信箱84-571號
    Fax (02)2394-8555

    Elite Artists Trio
    P.O. Box 84-571 Taipei, Taiwan 10099
