2006年該樂團受美國聯邦政府之批准,成為一個非營利事業的樂團組織,同時也獲得紐約 Stephen & Dorothy Chen Foundation 的大力支持,使樂團在橙縣各社區內,得以進行更完善的音樂服務。2007年有了自己的練習廳與行政辦公室,並努力拓展國際間的演出活動與交流工作,且逐漸納入了管樂部門,使樂團慢慢步入了交響化時代。
Clap & Tap Chamber Orchestra was found in 2001 by Mr. David L.H. Wen, a renowned Taiwanese composer and Mrs. Wen, a violinist and choir conductor. For more than nine years, they have fully devoted themselves to promote music education and wish to establish a better learning environment for the younger generation. After years of training and dedication, the members of Clap & Tap Chamber Orchestra have grown to a group of young musicians who are highly skilled and have a passion for music.