詳細介紹/ |
The Hong Kong New Music Ensemble is a growing arts organization funded by a tiny budget, but with a massive vision for music in Hong Kong.
The Hong Kong Arts Development Council (the Hong Kong Government arts body) sponsored us $297,500 in the last financial year, barely 20% of what it costs to run our organization per year. That makes things pretty tough!
We perform for thousands of audience members every year. We also benefit a great number of local performers and composers in Hong Kong and abroad, and give back to the community through a wide range of outreach events. We believe we can do much more with the help of the greater Hong Kong community. In small or big ways.
If you believe you can help, or know individuals/ corporations who can help, please get in touch. My email is craig@hknme.org.
Yours Sincerely,
Craig Pepples,
- Composer
- Chairman, Hong Kong New Music Ensemble Limited
- President Corporate Affairs/Publisher of Chief Executive China at Global Sources
香港藝術發展局 (政府指定發展香港藝術的法定機構) 於上個財政年度給我們的資助金額為$297,500,只是樂團一年營運經費的20%,令我們的發展變得非常困難!
如你可以幫忙,或認識可以幫忙的熱心人士/ 機構,請跟我們聯絡,我的電郵是craig@hknme.org。
- 作曲家
- 香港創樂團有限公司主席
- 環球資源事務總裁兼《世界經理人》出版人