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    2024 ART KAOHSIUNG 高雄藝術博覽會


    Pethany Larsen 藝廊


    [掌握細膩世界的女性藝術家] 知名旅美視覺創作藝術家,好萊塢夢工廠動畫公司的資深材質動畫師,曾參與過數十部知名的動畫電影,如︰史瑞克、馬達加斯加、蜂電影⋯等。出生於台北的Andrea Pun從小就喜愛畫畫,這份熱情帶領她從大學時期主修美術,到2000年至舊金山藝術大學研究所進修電腦藝術,並一腳跨入數位動畫的領域。 Andrea Pun喜歡到處旅行激發靈感,透過相機捕捉感觸的瞬間,她相信顏色、紋理、光影...等質感,能透析出萬物的各種情緒,也照映出自己當下的心境。而身為材質動畫師本身對於色彩、材質、造型的獨到掌握度,也完整地展現於細膩又濃厚的數位攝影作品裡。從本次展出的系列中,除了呈現她眼底令人讚嘆的世界,作品中遠望的遼闊視野也給人前進的動力與希望,帶我們一同發掘大自然創造萬物的精緻奧妙。 As a digital artist, Andrea Pun has participated in several Hollywood animation hits such as Shrek, Madagascar and Bee Movie. She is a senior Surfacing Artist at Dreamworks Animation in Los Angeles. Born in Taipei, Pun loved to draw and paint from a young age. This passion for arts lead her to study Fine Arts in college in Taiwan. In 2000, Pun went to Academy of Art University in San Francisco for her graduate study in Computer Art. This new art form gave her more possibilities in mind and in life. Pun likes to travel. It is a way to inspire herself emotionally and artistically. Working as a texture expert, she believes that colors, textures, and shades can tell the stories of our world. And in her eyes, these details can reflect the artist掇 thought in the moment. This delicate and affecting quality shows throughout her photography. In this collection, the artist presents a wonderful, colorful land and some magnificent views to help us rediscover the world.
