


吳淑麟  Mon Coeur  心.臟

吳淑麟 Mon Coeur 心.臟

時間:2013/08/10 - 2013/08/30 《活動已結束》

地點:台北市汀洲路三段230巷55號2樓 寶藏巖國際藝術村 (地圖MAP)

單位:RFK Studio


吳淑麟  Mon Coeur  心.臟

展期|08.10.2013 – 08.30.2013 (每週四-日 12.00-18.00 pm)
地點|RFK Studio (台北市丁洲路三段230巷55號2樓 寶藏巖國際藝術村)

【關於 RFK Studio】
RFK Studio成立目的為推動「當代材質藝術」概念-一種結合藝術與工藝運動型態,拓展不同材質的藝術作品,打破藝術與工藝的藩籬,跨越傳統認知的界面,探索當代工藝藝術的美學脈絡。相對於傳統工藝被侷限為藝術創作的附屬執行,我們期盼能將工藝藝術獨立地置於當代文化的脈絡之中;縱然沒有對話、不具聲響,卻以其真實佇於時間之流,匯集多種藝術形式、材質、設計理念,解讀其獨到的生命與美感,可以去發掘、試驗,發展情感豐富的創作語彙。更希望觀者可以放開心地去親近、欣賞多元材質作品,與創作者一起探索、貼近生命的歷程與體驗。

Shulin WU    Mon Coeur

‘Heart – as a container of human emotions’
Artist Shulin WU makes heart-shaped symbol turning, restructuring, and dismantling, then reformed as breast, buttock, even private parts, to cross boundaries of the body and escape from concealing in order to being exposed as wearing. When inside turning into surface, between hiding and revealing, what you are gazing is the hidden emotion that had ever exposed or the organ intended to keep in good repair?
Curator|Wanhua Hsieh
DATE|08.10.2013 – 08.30.2013 (Thu-Sun 12.00-18.00 pm)
VENUE|RFK Studio (F1, No. 55, Ln. 230 Dingzhou Rd. Sec. 3,Taipei)
【About RFK Studio】
RFK Studio dedicated to contemporary material arts: a new form of craft works, in an attempt to escape the limitations of the traditional craftsmanship. In contrast to the craftsmanship tradition which has been limited by the provision of as being employed for arts, we are seeking ways to explore being independent of cultural accident of our particular understanding, while appreciating pieces with no dialogue, no sound, in real time by merging with multi-art forms and design, which aim to not only free the viewer to play in the openness of the works but enable crafts to explore the character of creation which carries a unique emotional hue, in the journey of endless search for closure or understanding and approach instead what it is to experience the world.
