

2024 ART KAOHSIUNG 高雄藝術博覽會


悠畫廊 展訊發佈:I Believe I Can Fly

悠畫廊 展訊發佈:I Believe I Can Fly

時間:2013/10/19 - 2013/11/17 《活動已結束》

地點:悠畫廊 臺北捷運中山地下街B44展間

單位:Yo Gallery



當所有人都有著這樣的疑惑:「為什麼這些人喜歡在街上噴圖?」來自塗鴉文化早已深遠的法國資深塗鴉人Ceet,帶來個人體驗與解答:「在街上作畫是種無比的享受,我們不像廣告公司一樣未經民眾同意到處在公共空間放置廣告,我們只是作畫,任人欣賞。」身為世界知名的塗鴉人,Ceet,給了一個中肯的解答。Ceet 可以在工作室釋放設計創意,已經與Prada 聯名出T-Shirt,他也仍不忘初衷,仍喜歡無拘束地在街頭作畫。
Ceet 喜歡自娛娛人,其有開朗豁達的氣質,作品中不加矯飾地展現無限張力。密密麻麻的「狂野派」字體,有細緻有揮灑,有緊繃有爆發力。他的塗鴉風格已經自成一格,不拘形式地玩弄著畫布、雕塑、裝置、牆面。
Ceet 在亞洲旅居約10 年,此次於Yo Gallery 推出『I Believe I Can Fly』一展,作品中融合亞洲流行的卡哇伊文化,帶著法式的幽默風趣與北非血緣的異國風情。展出作品涵括多幅以「雞」為主體的創作。Ceet 俏皮地認為,雞與人很像,雞很聒噪,很焦慮,和人一樣。雞有翅膀,但不太能飛,人無翅膀,但如果相信,就可以飛翔。『I Believe I Can Fly』展現出塗鴉的瘋狂與離奇,獻上Ceet 表現獨樹一格的塗鴉異想。
When everybody questions: "Why these people doing painting in the street?" The internationally well-known graffiti artist Ceet provides an answer: "It's an enjoyment doing art in the street. We are not doing art in the street for money, like those advertising agencies do. They do advertising everywhere without asking people, and they sell to people. We do art in the street for freedom and for free, people are free to enjoy."
Ceet has been making art in the street, in the studio, in gallery, in Prada’s T-Shirt. As multi-talent as he is, he is much more an energetic entertainer. He is not the one who sugar-coats the truth, his art are with tension and depth.
The show "I Believe I Can Fly" includes a series based on "Chicken" imagery. The inspiration came from Ceet’s 10-yr living experience in Asia. Ceet feels that chickens and humans are alike. Chickens get anxious easily and like to squawk, so do humans. Chickens cannot fly with wings, yet human can fly with belief. The show presents the integration of Asian Kawaii culture, French humor and North-African exotic flavor in his original blood. 『I Believe I Can Fly』is a must-see exhibition that gives you graffiti, cuteness, versatility and unimaginable creativity.
『 I Believe I Can Fly 』
開幕講座:10.19 (Sat) 3:00pm
地點:Yo Gallery
營業時間:Tue-Sun 1pm-8:30pm 歡迎預約

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