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【每日藝聞】傅尼葉三重奏 Asia Young Talent《Fournier Trio》古典樂界的一顆新星
由台灣鋼琴家張巧縈、韓國小提琴家俞恕琦及華裔澳籍大提琴家吳沛祺組成的傅尼葉三重奏(Fournier Trio),曾獲得2011挪威 Trondheim International Chamber Music Competition銀牌及觀眾票選獎,今年更獲得英國倫敦舉行的帕克豪斯國際室內樂比賽(Parkhouse Award)首獎,消息登上全球最重要的弦樂專業雜誌《The Strad》可說是古典樂界的一顆新星。
張巧縈1981年生於台北,高中以前都在台灣接受音樂教育,是鋼琴家陳郁秀、李富美的學生;十六歲時獲英國皇家音樂學院全額獎學金,受教於名師庫奇歐(Maria Curcio)及艾爾頓(Chrstopher Elton)。她曾獲愛爾蘭都柏林鋼琴大賽第二名、德國ARD慕尼黑音樂大賽第三獎。他的老師陳郁秀女士曾在接受MUZIK雜誌專訪時提到這位愛徒:「風格上,巧縈彈奏出的音色非常美,技巧也相當好,特別是細微處的變化,讓我每次都會不禁閉上眼睛細細聆聽與享受。在她的音樂中可以聽見她的品味自然、獨特,不會有刻意造作的詮釋。天生的音樂性和完備技巧是她最大的優勢。」而當時陳郁秀也特別提到張巧縈除了獨奏之外,對於室內樂也有極高的敏銳度,如今她在大賽中獲獎,也印證了恩師的見解。
這次和夥伴拿到大獎,張巧縈很興奮,比賽首輪透過錄音甄選,張巧縈和夥伴從上百個團體脫穎而出,進入十八強參加複賽,擠進前四強。決賽時演出布拉姆斯《C大調第二號鋼琴三重奏》(Piano Trio in C Major, No.2, Op.87)及蕭斯塔科維契《第二號鋼琴三重奏》( Piano Trio No. 2, Op.67)等吃重曲目,贏得勝利。而此次獲獎也為她們打開演奏巡迴之門,陸續在歐洲各主要城市與亞洲巡迴演出。十一月一日至二日即將於松菸誠品表演廳演出。
本次演出曲目包括:海頓:C大調鋼琴三重奏、布拉姆斯:C大調第二號鋼琴三重奏,作品87、拉威爾:A小調鋼琴三重奏、Joseph Haydn: Piano Trio in C major, Hob.XV:27、Johannes Brahms: Piano Trio No. 2 in C major, Op. 87、Maurice Ravel: Piano Trio in A minor。「我就是不能忍受鋼琴和小提琴或大提琴湊在一起的聲音...聆聽任何一首鋼琴三重奏對我都是種折磨。」柴可夫斯基的話或許不無道理:要把三樣各自 稱王稱后的獨奏樂器放在一起,光是如何分工平衡,就足以讓作曲家費煞苦心。但挑戰愈大,音樂也愈刺激。海頓讓三個樂器互相嬉戲,你來我往好不熱鬧。布拉姆 斯把室內樂當成管弦樂團,以札實結構和縝密聲響,逼出交響曲般的氣勢與內蘊。優美無匹的拉威爾鋼琴三重奏則堪稱極功盡巧,不但艱難宛若協奏曲,第二樂章還 把詩歌格式韻腳化成音樂,考驗演奏者的默契與敏銳度。傅尼葉三重奏細膩與力道皆備,更證明新生代音樂家也能深刻思考,更多精采曲目等著您走入誠品音樂廳來品味。
【誠品享樂】傅尼葉三重奏 Asia Young Talent-Fournier Trio
時間:2013/11/01 - 2013/11/02
地點:誠品表演廳 (台北市信義區菸廠路98號B2--臺北文創大樓B2)
售票:兩廳院 或 請洽誠品表演廳:(02) 6636-5888 ext.8819
Joseph Haydn: Piano Trio in C major, Hob.XV:27
Johannes Brahms: Piano Trio No. 2 in C major, Op. 87
Maurice Ravel: Piano Trio in A minor
Fournier Trio
Chiao-Ying Chang
Taiwanese-British pianist Chiao-Ying Chang has distinguished herself as one of the leading pianists of her generation. A top prize-winner at the Leeds, ARD Munich, AXA Dublin and Taiwan International Piano Competitions, she has appeared as soloist with many of the world's leading orchestras including the Halle, Royal Philharmonic, San Francisco Symphony, Bavarian Radio Symphony, National Irish Symphony and Munich Chamber Orchestra.
She has given recitals at prestigious venues such as Wigmore Hall, Bridgewater Hall,Liverpool Philharmonic Hall, Carnegie Hall in New York, National Concert Hall in Dublin, Konzerthaus in Berlin, and major festivals including the Cambridge Summer, North Aldeborough, Ribble Valley, Newbury, Brighton, Busoni Festival in Bolzano, Italy, and the Kammermusikfest des ARD-Wettbewerbs in Schloss Elmau, Munich and Berlin in Germany.
Sulki Yu
Korean violinist Sulki Yu studied at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama under David Takeno and furthered her studies under Augustin Dumay at the Queen Elizabeth Music Chapel in Belgium. She is a laureate of the 2006 Yehudi Menuhin and 2007 Szigeti- Hubay International violin competitions.
She has performed as soloist at the Royal Festival Hall, Barbican, UNESCO Centre in Paris, Carnegie Hall in New York, Seoul Arts Centre in Korea and with the Sung-Nam Philharmonic, Orchestre Nationale de Lille, Yalta Symphony, Budapest Symphony and Pecs Chamber Orchestras. Last season she made her debuts at both the Wigmore Hall and Purcell Room to critical acclaim and recently appeared in the Spring Chamber Music Festival in Seoul where she p rformed with artists including violinist Dong-Suk Kang, cellist Antonio Meneses, and clarinettist Charles Neidich.
Pei-Jee Ng
Australian cellist Pei-Jee Ng was winner of both the 2001 Symphony Australia YoungPerformer of the Year competition and the 2008 Young Concert Artists Trust auditions in London.
He was the soloist with the Adelaide Symphony Orchestra on their first US tour in 2009, appearing at Royce Hall, Los Angeles and Carnegie Hall, New York, made his debut at the Konzerthaus in Berlin as part of the Classic Young Stars International Series and gave recitals at Wigmore Hall and the Purcell Room in London. Festival appearances include the Winchfield, Newbury Spring, Corsham, and Gower Festivals in the UK, the Sounding Jerusalem, Adelaide International Cello Festival, Festspiele Mecklenburg-Vorpommern and Steierisches Kammermusikfestival. In addition to the six major Australian symphony orchestras, he has performed with the Hong Kong Philharmonic, Malaysian Philharmonic, and the Oulu and stonian National Symphony orchestras and made his debut with the Philharmonia Orchestra at the 2011 Chichester Festivities, performing the Elgar Concerto.
張巧縈組三重奏「傅尼葉三重奏」(Fournier Trio) 英大賽奪冠
傅尼葉三重奏 英大賽奪冠
Fournier Trio
Fournier Trio: J. Brahms Trio No.2 Op.87 - I. Allegro
Fournier Trio: J. Brahms Trio No.2 Op.87 - II. Andante con moto
Fournier Trio: Meet the Musicians
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