【每日藝聞】「非常比利時」萊斯民謠三重唱Laïs 引領民歌混搭搖滾跨界新風潮
YOURART編輯 林曉當‧國立中正文化中心新聞聯絡人 陳意羚
“Laïs”來自居爾特語(Celtic),意為「聲音」。甫於九月剛結束台灣演出,歐洲頂尖影視雙棲影帝德克‧羅夫索夫特(Dirk Roofthooft)則稱他們為「天使的聲音」。「萊斯民謠三重唱」以比利時西北部的法蘭德斯語(Flemish)演唱,將回溯傳統作為創新途徑,成軍初期的創作多為根據傳統歌詞所寫的新旋律與改編曲,包含蘇格蘭、瑞典、義大利、法蘭德斯及愛爾蘭等地的傳統民歌,展現出對法蘭德斯古代傳統深厚的興趣,風格時而幽怨時而清明,後期開始,「萊斯民謠三重唱」不再採用古法蘭德斯歌本,轉而投入非常不一樣的音樂領域,作品歌詞開始改用愛爾蘭詩人葉慈、法國詩人保羅‧魏倫及智利詩人巴布羅‧聶魯達的詩,同時也嘗試自己作詞,並大膽融入電子音樂的節奏、編曲以顛覆民謠面貌;嘗試在眾多民謠團體中走出一條屬於自己的音樂道路。作品風格時而溫煦純粹、未經修飾,時而冰冷華麗卻從不溫吞乏味。曾合作對象包含歌手Sting、Alain Souchon、DAAU樂團大提琴手Simon Lenski,其他歐洲樂團如Clannad、Värttinä、I Muvrini等。他們的音樂象徵著積極、創新與實驗,展現根生土壤的民謠活力,儼然成為比利時民謠音樂新地標。
世界之窗 比利時系列—萊斯民謠三重唱 Laïs
地點:國家音樂廳 (台北市中山南路21-1號)
票價:500 700 900 1200 1600 2000
演唱:Jorunn Bauweraerts、Annelies Brosens、Nathalie Delcroix
吉他:Bjorn Eriksson
低音大提琴:Tom De Smet
小提琴及曼陀林:Geert Waegeman
Laïs' career started in 1994, when Jorunn and Annelies, together with Soetkin Collier (who later became a vocalist with the Belgian folk music group Urban Trad), performed a song at a folk festival in Gooik, near Brussels. Nathalie joined the group somewhat later. They had their breakthrough after their appearance at Folk Dranouter, near Ypres, in 1996.[1]Their debut CD album, sung a capella as well as accompanied instrumentally by the folk rock band Kadril, was released in 1998. They performed at the Klein Karoo Nasionale Kunstefees in Oudtshoorn, South Africa (1996), at Vorst Nationaal, Belgium (1998), Canada, France (1999) (as a supporting act for Sting), Spain (1999, 2000), the Netherlands and China (2001). [2]
During the summer of 2000 they performed at important festivals in Belgium such as Pinkpop and Rock Werchter. In 2001 they made a much acclaimed return to the festival at Dranouter.In 2003 they made a mini tour along Flemish churches and chapels, singing a capella with the vocal support of Ludo Vandeau. This resulted in the CD "A la capella".
In April 2004 they released their third CD to the market under the title Douce Victime, with covers from Jacques Brel and Herman van Veen. This time it not only contained a capella songs but also Cajun music, the London Chamber Orchestra and some World Music influences. It was recorded at the legendary Abbey Road Studios in London.With their album The Ladies' Second Song, released in September 2007, the group changed their approach and tried to reach a broader public. They could no longer be characterized as folk. The album introduces the use of electric guitars, loops and electronic beats. Their lyrics have equally undergone a thorough overhaul. Instead of drawing their lyrics from old Flemish songbooks, they have turned to poetry from William Butler Yeats, Paul Verlaine and Pablo Neruda.In 2009 they released the album Laïs Lenski together with the cellist Simon Lenski.
開創音樂新風景 比利時萊斯民謠三重唱抵台
萊斯民謠三重唱 歐洲民謠新唱法
以古串今的悠揚女聲 萊斯民謠三重唱 尋找聲音裡的聲音
兩廳院萊斯民謠三重唱 魅力抵台
超凡魅力女聲「萊斯民謠三重唱」 25日首度登台
2013兩廳院世界之窗 非常"比利時"
兩廳院萊斯民謠三重唱 魅力抵台
Laïs- 't Smidje (extended)
Lais - 2 emmertjes (water halen)
Lais - de wanhoop
Lais - La Plus Belle de Céans
Laïs - Le Grand Vent
Laïs - Leda en de Zwaan (Agamemnon)
Laïs - De Wijn
Laïs - De drie maagdekens
Laïs - De Reiziger
Le grand vent - Laïs - Subtítulos en español
Laïs - Kalima Kadara合輯