


2014TIFA-唐美雲歌仔戲團《狐公子綺譚》 I See You, Mr. Fox.

2014TIFA-唐美雲歌仔戲團《狐公子綺譚》 I See You, Mr. Fox.

時間:2014/03/06 - 2014/03/09 《活動已結束》

地點:國家戲劇院 (台北市中山南路21-1號) (地圖MAP)





20131226 唐美雲再度挑戰創意 原創劇本闢新局--BLTV 人間衛視

20140101《藝想世界》唐美雲演人狐戀 情色喜劇挑戰尺度--udntvArt 

〈情慾唐美雲 化身男狐解放道姑〉2013-12-30【汪宜儒/台北報導】中國時報 


票價:500 800 1200 1600 2000 2600 3200 

「戲狀元」唐美雲 VS. 天后級娘子許秀年 





A competition between the king and queen of Taiwanese opera 
Flirtatious Mr. Fox vs. romantic fair lady

I See You, Mr. Fox is an innovating Taiwanese opera, presenting the illusion of love through the traditional glamorous settings and renovated narration techniques. 
In the age when men and women were strictly forbidden to have physical contact with each other, how many people have tried to fulfill their sexual fantasies through dramas on stage? How many fox fairies have transformed themselves into beautiful girls and sneaked into young men’s dream, trying to seduce them? The wicked side has always been an essential part of the traditional Taiwanese opera. Now in I SEE YOU, Mr. Fox, Golden Bell Award winners SHIH Ju-fang (scriptwriter) and KO Tsung-ming (director) collaborate to transform the fox fairy into a man to seduce other people’s wives. The Taiwanese opera king and queen, TANG Mei-yun and HSU Hsiu-nian, once again work together to play “wicked” on the stage. Underneath the flirtatious romance between a human being and a fox fairy, this production tries to tease the sensitive nerves of sensuality and to challenge the bottom line of freedom in the modern Taiwanese opera. 

TANG Mei-yun grows up in a family of Taiwanese opera artists and has learned the traditional performing arts since childhood. With her solid training in both acting and singing, TANG fully demonstrates the beauty of native language and music. Upholding the principle of innovating while carrying on the tradition, she creates the Tang Mei Yun Taiwanese Opera Company, aiming to recruit outstanding performers in Taiwanese opera, to cultivate performers and creators in the younger generation, to glorify the beauty of the traditional Taiwanese opera, and to set models for performances. In addition to traditional theater, Tang also involves in the TV productions and film-making, and has been selected as one of the Ten Outstanding Young Women and awarded the Television Golden Bell Award. In 2012, she won the National Award for Arts. 
■ approx. 170 minutes with an intermission. 
■Performed in Taiwanese with Chinese surtitles.




【2014TIFA 套票優惠】
●一次購買全系列22檔,可享5折(限量100套):每組套票需含2014 TIFA全系列22檔節目,每檔節目各1張為1套
2014/1/27-3/31憑兌換券加贈好禮「Aesop清潔保養組(50ml洗髮露+50ml潤髮乳)」乙份 (數量有限,換完為止)。
2014/1/27-3/31憑兌換券加贈好禮「Aesop輕巧體驗組(45g香塊+身體乳霜試用包)」乙份 (數量有限,換完為止)。


●2014TIFA─NSO《英倫盛宴》同列為NSO 2013/14愛樂套票節目,套票已於2013年7月8日啟售,TIFA套票與MyNSO套票中僅能擇一選購,套票購買後恕不得單場退換票。

●2014/1/1-3/31憑「來自印度的天籟」票券可免費體驗SPACE YOGA瑜珈課程一堂(市價$950,限非SPACE會員及首次體驗者)。SPACE YOGA會員憑會員卡至兩廳院售票口購買「來自印度的天籟」票券享9折優惠。
●凡購買2014TIFA任一檔演出票券,即日起至2014/3/30,憑票至全台COLD STONE門市購買大杯經典冰淇淋,享折抵50元優惠。

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