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2014TIFA-布達佩斯節慶管絃樂團 Budapest Festival Orchestra

2014TIFA-布達佩斯節慶管絃樂團 Budapest Festival Orchestra

時間:2014/03/14 - 2014/03/15 《活動已結束》

地點:國家音樂廳 (台北市中山南路21-1號) (地圖MAP)





完美的多瑙河風情 經典的極致再現
伊凡‧費雪再度率團來台 引領樂迷親身體驗俄、德、奧名曲

布達佩斯節慶管絃樂團由伊凡‧費雪及左坦‧柯西斯於1983年創立,創團30年已躍居世界最重要的十大樂團之列。費雪獨到的練團方式與別出心裁的 音樂會設計,將樂團知名度快速提升,成為古典音樂史上最成功的典範之一,倫敦泰晤士報將本團譽為「匈牙利青年音樂家的菁英」。樂團精闢深入的詮釋及獨具張 力且豐富的音色,也獲得各國聽眾的喜愛與樂評的高度讚賞。
本次演出的第一場曲目安排有大家耳熟能詳,充滿異國風情的《韃靼人之舞》;另一首曲目則是張力十足的葛拉祖諾夫A小調小提琴協奏曲。第二場曲目則 從開始綻放浪漫樂派色彩的舒伯特交響曲,到為該樂派交出重要成績單的布魯克納作品。奧國兩大作曲家的作品,由匈牙利頂尖樂團演繹,時空交錯,彷彿奧匈帝國 藝術的輝煌再現。

伊凡‧費雪(Iván Fischer)創立布達佩斯節慶管絃樂團並擔任音樂總監,亦常獲邀指揮柏林愛樂,及於其他傑出的樂團擔任客席指揮。
法國小提琴家杭諾.卡普松(Renaud Capuçon)在阿巴多的邀請下,曾擔任馬勒青年管絃樂團的樂團首席,與布雷茲、小澤征爾、巴倫波因及阿巴多等知名指揮合作。卡普松被視為現今最傑出的小提琴家之一,合作過的樂團包括柏林愛樂、波士頓交響樂團與巴黎管絃樂團等。

德俄經典 3月14日(Fri.)
-鮑羅定: (1833 - 1887):〈韃靼人之舞〉,選自歌劇《伊果王子》
-葛拉祖諾夫(1865 - 1936): A小調小提琴協奏曲,作品82 (獨奏家: 杭諾.卡普松)
-貝多芬 (1770-1827): A大調第七號交響曲,作品92

奧匈榮耀 3月15日(Sat.)
-舒伯特 (1797-1828): B小調第八號交響曲,作品759 (未完成交響曲)
-布魯克納 (1824-1896): D小調第九號交響曲,作品109

演出長度: 3/14(五)演出長度約95分鐘,含中場休息。3/15(六)演出長度約105分鐘,含中場休息。
演前導聆:3/14-15 演出前30分鐘於國家音樂廳一樓大廳

Wonder bred from the danube heritage
Revisiting Ivan Fischer and his orchestra, ultimate revelation of the masterpieces from Russia, Germany and Austria

Founded in 1983 by Iván Fischer and Zoltán Kocsis, the Budapest Festival Orchestra has established itself as one of the ten leading orchestras of the world in its first 30 years. Fischer’s leading and innovative visionary has made the BFO’s swift rise as one of the greatest success stories in the past three decades of classical music. With musicians hailed by The Times as “drawn from the cream of Hungary’s younger players,” the BFO is loved by audiences and praised by international critics for its intense and emotionally gripping performances.
In the first concert, BFO will showcase the well-known and exotic "Polovtsian Dances" and dramatic Glazunov’s A minor Violin Concerto. And the second concert features the music from Romanticism. With the presentation of works written by two great Austrian composers, Schubert and Brucker, by this topmost orchestra of Hungary, it brings back the memory of the artistic glory of Austria-Hungary.".

Conductor, Iván Fischer is the founder and Music Director of the Budapest Festival Orchestra. As a guest conductor, Fischer works with the finest symphony orchestras of the world and has frequently conducted the Berlin Philharmonic.
The French violinist Renaud Capuçon was invited by Claudio Abbado to become concertmaster of the Gustav Mahler Jugendorchester. And he has worked with conductors such as Pierre Boulez, Seiji Ozawa, and Daniel Barenboim. He has performed with the Berlin Philharmonic, Boston Symphony Orchestra, the Orchestre de Paris, etc. Now Capuçon is considered as one of today’s outstanding violinists.

German& Russian Classics March 14 (Fri)
-BORODIN: Polovtsian Dances (from Prince Igor)
-GLAZUNOV: A minor Violin Concerto, Op. 82 (violinist: Renaud Capuçon)
-BEETHOVEN: Symphony No. 7 in A major, Op. 92

Austrian& Hungarian Glory March 15 (Sat)
-SCHUBERT: Symphony No. 8 in B minor, D.759 (Unfinished)
-BRUCKNER: Symphony No. 9 in D minor, WAB 109

■3/14(Fri.) Approx. 95 minutes with an intermission.
■3/15(Sat.) Approx. 105 minutes with an intermission
Pre-talk: 30 minutes before the performance.




2014TIFA 套票優惠(不含實驗劇場及演奏廳節目)
2014/1/27-3/31憑兌換券加贈好禮「Aesop清潔保養組(50ml洗髮露+50ml潤髮乳)」乙份 (數量有限,換完為止)。
2014/1/27-3/31憑兌換券加贈好禮「Aesop輕巧體驗組(45g香塊+身體乳霜試用包)」乙份 (數量有限,換完為止)。


●2014TIFA─NSO《英倫盛宴》同列為NSO 2013/14愛樂套票節目,套票已於2013年7月8日啟售,兩種套票僅能擇一選購。

●2014/1/1-3/31憑「來自印度的天籟」票券可免費體驗SPACE YOGA瑜珈課程一堂(市價$950,限非SPACE會員及首次體驗者)。SPACE YOGA會員憑會員卡至兩廳院售票口購買「來自印度的天籟」票券享9折優惠。
●凡購買2014TIFA任一檔演出票券,即日起至2014/3/30,憑票至全台COLD STONE門市購買大杯經典冰淇淋,享折抵50元優惠。

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