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【每日藝聞】《鋼琴大鬥法》高潮迭起的PK演出─Piano Battle 鋼琴家安德列亞斯‧肯恩(Andreas Kern)與保羅‧希比斯 (Paul Cibis)的競技組合
YOURART編輯 林曉當‧AMA亞藝藝術新聞聯絡人 王欣婕
快來體驗德國鋼琴家Paul Cibis與Andreas Kern風靡各地樂迷,掀起全球古典新浪潮的「鋼琴大鬥法」(Piano Battle),邀請現場觀眾投票定勝負,你的一票真的很重要!近年席捲歐亞,每場表演座無虛席的「鋼琴大鬥法(Piano Battle)」,曾創下2010年香港乙城節最受歡迎和門票最快售罄的節目記錄,2011年首度來台即造成花蓮國際音樂節一票難求,甚至走道也擠滿觀眾爭睹的盛況。大受歡迎的鋼琴大鬥法,連續三年受邀來台的系列巡演也屢屢寫下當地最熱的票房紀錄,更獲媒體大幅度報導。2014年4月,原班人馬除首度現身台北,也將重返台東繼續展開精采的PK show!
來自德國,外型俊帥的鋼琴家安德列亞斯‧肯恩(Andreas Kern),與保羅‧希比斯 (Paul Cibis)組的競技組合─「鋼琴大鬥法」(Piano Battle)讓台灣民眾驚艷原來古典音樂也能這樣玩!「鋼琴大鬥法」連續三年在台灣的系列巡迴場場熱賣,皆刷新當地售票紀錄。他們以高超琴技和幽默、即興的演出形式,在舞台上一較高下,重新定義古典音樂。演出共有五回合,每回合由現場觀眾投票決定改回合勝利者,五回合後,勝者便揭曉,而其中一個回合演出者將邀請觀眾點播歌曲,讓兩位鋼琴家作即興表演,全場高潮迭起的PK演出,絕對讓你發現原來古典音樂如此近、如此好玩有趣!
4月1日(二) 19:30 台東縣政府文化處演藝廳 250
4月3日(四) 19:30 台北市中山堂 400/700/1000
PK 曲目:
(F. Chopin: Etude Op. 10, Nr.12)
(A. Scriabin: Etude Op. 8, Nr.12)
(C. Debussy: Clair de lune)
(F.Schubert: Impromptu Op.90,No.3)
(P. Feuchtwanger: Tariqa 1)
(M. Eggert: One Man Band)
( Kai-Nan HUANG: Ballare al Suono del Pianoforte)
(Andreas Kern: Von fremden menschen und ländern)
(M. Mussorgsky: Pictures from an Exhibition)
鋼琴/ 安德列亞斯‧肯恩(Andreas Kern)
Born in South Africa, ANDREAS KERN studied piano in Cologne and Berlin with Günter Ludwig and Pascal Devoyon. As a soloist and chamber musician, he has extensive experience in Europe, Canada, South Africa, Hong Kong, China, Japan and India.
Keen to present classical music in unconventional ways, Andreas has developed concert projects and formats that often feature unorthodox venues, or whereby musicians collaborate with artists in other fields, such as theatre and dance. Such performances have drawn a much wider and younger audience than traditional classical concerts.
He has created the critically acclaimed “arte lounge” for the French-German TV channel Arte. As a co-host, he has performed with musicians including Mischa Maisky, Renaud Capucon, Sol Gabetta, Sarah Chang, Vadim Repin, Nils Mönkemeyer, Elina Garanca and Jörg Widmann. Andreas was also the architect of the Piano City Berlin festival 2010, which featured more than 100 piano performances held in Berlin within one weekend. Since then, Piano City has branched out to other cities such as Milan and Barcelona.
鋼琴/ 保羅‧希比斯(Paul Cibis)
ducated in Hanover, Berlin and London, PAUL CIBIS has performed on five continents and established an international presence. He has been invited to international festivals in the UK, Germany, South Africa, Hong Kong, China, Taiwan, Australia and New Zealand and appeared in the electronic media around the world, including the BBC, WDR, 3Sat, ORB, HR, RTHK and CCTV.
Paul has released a few albums, including a collection of French mélodies and piano works by Berlioz, Fauré and Debussy, in collaboration with German mezzo-soprano Barbara Senator. His latest album features a collection of solo pieces by Taiwanese composer Kai-nan Huang.
A committed pedagogue, Paul has taught at Trinity College of Music in London and frequently gives master classes in Germany, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan and South Korea.
The black and the white are ready to fight.
Two piano champions on stage; one in black, the other in white. They perform, compete, and shine; the concert hall packed full of people, applauding, clapping, and raising their hands …
Welcome to the Piano Battle !!
The brainchild of internationally accomplished pianists Andreas Kern and Paul Cibis, the Piano Battle sees the duo go head-to-head on stage, charming and enchanting the audience with a variety of classical pieces. The two artists, with distinctly different performance styles, take turns to perform pieces by composers such as Chopin, Liszt and Debussy. They will even improvise based on the tunes you request.
A competition wouldn’t be a competition without a jury but here – You will be the judge. All members of the audience are invited to vote on the pianists performances and eventually decide who the winner is. And this might not be the limit of your participation …
Part serious classical recital, part tongue-in-cheek performance by two piano geniuses, the Piano Battle is a unique concert that pleases both the eye and the ear.
鋼琴大鬥法Piano Battle
PIANO BATTLE Andreas Kern vs. Paul Cibis
PIANO BATTLE - ZDF Morgenmagazin
Interview with Andreas Kern and Paul Cibis (Piano Battle)
Piano Battle
Piano Battle: Andreas Kern & Paul Cibis @Piano City Napoli
鋼琴大鬥法2013音樂會 Piano Battle Concert
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