



大島成己攝影個展暨全新攝影集《Haptic Green》發表會

大島成己攝影個展暨全新攝影集《Haptic Green》發表會

時間:2014/03/21 - 2014/04/18 《活動已結束》

地點:臺北市松山區八德路三段12巷51弄17號1樓 (地圖MAP)

單位:新苑藝術 《更多相關活動》


大島成己攝影個展- Solo Exhibition by Naruki OSHIMA

全新攝影集《Haptic Green》新書發表會暨開幕茶會
New Album “Haptic Green” Release and Reception

展期Duration:2014/03/21 – 04/18
開幕Reception:2014/03/21 18:30
地點Venue:新苑藝術 Galerie Grand Siècle, Taipei 
1/F, No.17, Aly.51, Ln.12, Ba-de Rd. Sec.3, Taipei, Taiwan, 10559

新苑藝術將於3月21日舉辦大島成己 Naruki Oshima 攝影個展暨全新攝影集《Haptic Green》發表會。長年專注攝影創作的藝術家大島成己,作品屢次展出於歐洲、日本重要藝廊,深獲好評。其作品也廣為公私立機構、美術館收藏。大島於德國杜賽朵夫美術學院研習攝影時,師承德國當代攝影家托馬斯魯夫Thomas Ruff,回國後於京都市立美術學院擔任教職,並持續創作至今。對於攝影,他認為「影像只單獨存在於意義、價值、分類或統合之外」。本次展出的作品「Haptic Green」、「Reflections」,他有什麼新訊息要分享?

Haptic Green 綠色觸覺


Galerie Grand Siecle is going to hold an opening reception for Naruki Oshima’s solo exhibition and new album “Haptic Green” release. Long been dedicated to photographical creation, Oshima has held several exhibitions in Europe and Japan’s significant galleries, and his works were widely collected by public and private institution, including museums in Germany and Japan. When Oshima was studying photography in Kunstakademie Düsseldorf, he studied under the master of contemporary photographer, Thomas Ruff. After he came back to Japan, he held a teaching position in Kyoto City Art University and continued creating until now. Speaking to photography, he thinks images are just floating independently of meaningfulness, valuation, classification or integration. This time the two series “Haptic Green” and “Reflections” will be exhibited in Galerie Grand Siecle, the messages behind which are waited to be discovered. Haptic Green People observe visual phenomenon ephemeral, as they push through to a dense forest, they experience a moment when you subtly recognize an object. They unconsciously use all senses while their eyes are ambiguous towards it. The visual phenomenon exists as a tactility of a touch, a part of intertwining leaves, branches or the trunks upon entering the forest. And it is apart from a total image as “green trees”; however, its parts are interwoven into a green mass. Reflections Oshima thinks when the optical dependency on the perspectivistic perception of the distance between oneself and the other is interrupted, the strangeness of the image will come to emerge. Furthermore, he thinks when the volume and perspective of an image is lost, it appears to people just as a mixture of light and shadow. In order to explore a new relationship with other images, which will no longer be dependent on the context of meaning, Oshima emphasizes the elements such as light, color and tactility which constitute a photographic image. That is what he calls montage.


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