地點:Legacy mini @ amba 台北市武昌街二段77號5樓
單位:Legacy Taipei 傳 音樂展演空間
費用:‧預售/350 ‧現場/450
三 位部落成員各有獨特風格:Mia(謝韻雅)善長實驗人聲與民族風吟唱,樂評喻為「聲音的迷人精靈」;Scott帶來紐約客自由不羈的聲音,音樂是他生命書 寫的紀錄,兩人累積了十餘年表演默契;Banai (是第108個巴奈~潘靜亞)有著阿美族的美麗歌喉,加上深厚的肢體劇場訓練。除了即興純人聲演出,還有數首好聽的歌謠,觀眾也將參與玩耍,部落絕對少不 了手舞足蹈!
Three unique artistic temperaments join together in the totally fresh unpredictable vocal collaboration of Banai Pan Mia Hsieh and Scott Prairie. You may know Mia and Scott from their work in the world music ensemble “A Moving Sound" which performs as much internationally as in Taiwan. Banai is a wonderful singer-songwriter as well as theatrical performer extraordinaire. The three of them will present vocal improvisation as well as multi-ethnic composed pieces and Mia‘s amazing vocal looping.