地點:臺北市中山區中山北路二段11巷15-2號一樓 (地圖MAP)
展覽日期/2014.06.07(六) - 2014.06.29 (日)
開幕茶會/2014.06.07 (六) 15:00
藝術家座談/2014.06.15 (日) 16:00
與談人/亮相館影像總監 黃建亮、藝術家 吳宇棠
聯合作品幻燈秀/2014.06.29 (日) 14:00
與談人/國立臺南藝術大學教授 陳建北
開始練習凝視 那些事與物之外的東西
旅人們大海撈針 它則永不復返
Try practicing gazing those not for objects or objects,
Listen, to locate them, grab a piece of them.
Time alights as dust, deep down into the ocean.
Looking for a needle and where travellers will never be able to find it,
…As the day comes.
The high speed railway system along the western corridor in Taiwan has condensed the space-time relationships. It has become the most convenient and fast transportation for traveling through the northern and southern region of Taiwan. On the other hand, most rails are elevated alone the line, which the spatial characteristics becomes the best way to have a speedy scenic view on the train. This series of work is to capture the distant but realistic scenes based on the experience during business travels, which are taken from the fast moving train cabins.
Searching for the intelligible elements from the coming/passing landscapes - the outline of the river, smoke of the countryside trails, transmission towers in fog, decadent cottages, the reflection of metal roofs, soil excavations, and construction of buildings - I have gazed the beauty and sadness within a 2-hour trip.
The train passes fast in the morning mist or dawn, along the mountains and plains, thus travellers see the landscape both realistically and dream-likely. ‘Passing fast’ itself cracks the perception of the relationship between ‘scene/landscape’ and ‘body’. It is chosen to be viewed backlighting, allowing the fog or light to embrace all the beauty and ugliness at random moments.
What before the eyes might have no connotation with the body; however, those endless sights are pure and peaceful like dreaming.