





時間:2013/02/02 - 2013/04/14 《活動已結束》

地點:台北當代藝術館1樓 MOCA Taipei, 1F

單位:台北當代藝術館 《更多相關活動》

費用:新台幣50元,NTD 50


二十世紀六○年代開始出現的「新媒體藝術」,呼應了觀念藝術的需要,並受到早期達達主義的影響,七○年代後,隨著科工技術的發展,原本偏重前衛與實驗性格的新媒體藝術,逐漸結合運用聲、光、影像與機械動力等各種元素,將科技的發明轉化為藝術表現的融入,八○年代後,藝術從現代主義純粹美學的鑽探回歸到當代社會文化的關照與呼應,而新媒體藝術的發展,也隨之進入了藝術/ 科技/ 人文形成鐵三角關係的新時代。

【因腦維新族】作為二十一世紀的新媒體藝術展,希望透過來自美國、英國、日本、香港、台灣等地藝術家的作品集結和對話,將台北當代藝術館展場空間轉化為超越視覺感官的多重體驗行程,本次展出的9 18 件作品,從某方面說,是結合了科技、設計與創意理念的機動藝術類型,但這些作品也衍生了許多觀看與閱讀和詮釋的角度,例如由互動穿戴式裝置看宅男文化現象,或透過冷硬機械裝置呈現軟性環保訴求等,或植根於生活/ 環境/ 物件/ 現象來發展藝術與社會生活、當代文化的對話;或以風力結合動畫原理與巨型紙雕造型;或透過互動化的微型電子物件反映當代媒體現象等等。「因腦維新族」像煉金術士般,從生活出發而共同成就了一場華麗冒險的旅程。


“New Media Art” began during the 1960s as a response to the artistic demands of Conceptual Art, and was further influenced by early period of Dadaism. With advances in scientific and industrial technologies from the 1970s, the avant-garde, experimental nature of New Media Art led it to gradually incorporate various elements including sound, light, video, and mechanical power, transformed technological invention into artistic intervention. From the 1980s, art returned from the pure aesthetic exploration characteristic of modernism to an approach which focused more on observing and echoing contemporary society and culture. New Media Art also responded to these developments and entered into a new era of a triangular relationship between art, technology and culture.

The Innovationists, as a New Media Art exhibition in the 21st century, attempts to transform the space of the Museum of Contemporary Art, Taipei into a multifaceted experiential journey transcending mere sight through the dialogues and artworks created by artists from United States, Britain, Japan, Hong Kong and Taiwan. This exhibition gathered 18 pieces created by 9 different units. All are in some sense of mechanical art which unite concepts of technology, design and creativity. These pieces also generate multiple observations, readings and interpretations: interactive wearable device casts light on the culture of Otaku/ Geeks/ Computer nerds; gentle appeals for environmental concerns and protection from a series of cold kinetic installations; creative works and ideas inspired from our daily lives/phenomena/ objects/ environment, which created the dialogue among art, social lives and contemporary culture; kinetic sculptures which applied wind power and connected with the principles of animation; huge paper sculptures which consisted of the concept of archeology; or through small interactive objects to reflect contemporary media phenomena, and so on. The Innovationists, like alchemists, inspired from daily lives and surroundings, together to create a spectacular journey for all of us.

New Media artists are the forward-looking observers of our society, as well as artistic rebels. They apply technology and science to their works and challenge existing concepts and values which intrinsic to humanity. Thus, they re-examine the new position art holds in the modern society, and the ever-changing relationship between people and art; these are what The Innovationists attempts to inspire audience to understand, investigate and explore.


展覽名稱 | 因腦維新族:新媒體藝術的華麗旅程

Exhibition | The Innovationists: The Spectacular Journey of New Media Art

展覽時間 Date | 2013/02/02-04/14

展覽地點 Venue | 台北當代藝術館1樓 MOCA Taipei, 1F

策展人 Curator | 鄺佳玲 Joel Kwong

參展藝術家 Artists | 史考特.赫塞爾斯(Scott Hessels)XEX GRP / 張瀚謙(Chris Honhim Cheung)楊嘉輝(Samson Young)超維度互動(dimension+)蕭子文(Eric Siu)COGOO × SEMITRANSPARENT DESIGN × TBWA\HAKUHODO桑久保亮太(Ryota Kuwakubo)circumstance蒂芬妮•霍姆斯(Tiffany Holmes)

門票 Admission新台幣50元,NTD 50

貼心小叮嚀 Note本展適合闔家觀賞 This exhibition is for general public.

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