



 童話轉生術-張嘉穎個展  Fairy Tale Reincarnation—Chang Chia-Ying Solo Exhibition

童話轉生術-張嘉穎個展 Fairy Tale Reincarnation—Chang Chia-Ying Solo Exhibition

時間:2014/10/25 - 2014/11/30 《活動已結束》


單位:台北當代藝術館 《更多相關活動》

費用:免費 Free


畢業於台南藝術大學造形藝術研究所的張嘉穎,作品植根於古典的嚴謹結構和堅實技法,擅長 在一種超現實的神秘氣氛中,同時置入可愛的卡漫造型角色和幾分揶揄俏皮的趣味。細看她畫中的各個角色,從頭上的髮型和配戴的髮飾,到臉部的表情儀容和目光 神情,從身上服裝的樣式圖案到手上持握的特定物件,乃至於陪同主角出現在畫中的特定人物、動物或景物等等,都經過了創意的設計和巧心的安排,並賦予某種象 徵的用意或傳訊的邏輯。話雖如此,張嘉穎創作的整體基調並不是設計的理性,而是天馬行空的想像和一種詩意的感性。她的近期創作,同時從平面的視覺圖像延伸 到立體的雕塑造型和空間裝置,儼然正在建立一個超越歷史時空和文化藩籬的個人童話王國。

張嘉穎本次在當代館實驗空間的【童話轉生術】個展,以其未曾曝光的近作《傳奇系列》為主 軸,內容擷取轉化了人們耳熟能詳的中西童話故事人物和角色,她除了為這些角色重新造像,也有意將某些故事情節進行改寫,整個系列的呈現,宛如在一個實驗劇 場中接力演出的不同情節。與此同時,張嘉穎立意突破平面繪畫制式概念的《換頭系列》,畫中角色雖延續《傳奇系列》,但每幅畫作都由上下兩節合成,且每個組 合都包含了東方與西方不同故事成分,透過「換頭儀式」,不同畫作之間可以發展出不同故事文本的拼貼串聯,和不同角色人物的嶄新對話。在這之外,本次個展前 全新完成的十八組《左瞪右瞪系列》畫作,除了以對稱的事物安排和充滿奇想趣味的氣氛,吸引觀者注視這個現場,畫中雙雙對對角色同時瞪大眼睛左瞧右看的姿 態,又彷彿要將觀者的眼神,從當下帶到另一個異想的國度。

本次展出內容,除了平面作品之外,張嘉穎也嘗試將其畫中的各個角色和奇魅場景立體再現於 當代館,將展場活化成一種體驗的空間。其畫作中常出現的小物件例如梯子,在此被轉化為空間裝置作品〈天梯〉,畫中角色則藉由這支梯子通往神秘的未知世界。 在另一空間裝置〈鏡房〉中,觀眾拿著狐狸面具才能進入觀賞〈大樹妖〉這件雕塑作品,置身一個無限鏡射的空間中,當下成為這個童幻世界的一份子,與畫中各類 角色一同進入華麗的冒險旅程。

Graduated from the Graduate Institute of Plastic Arts at Tainan National University of the Arts, Chang Chia-Ying’s works root in the rigid structure and the solid technique used in the classical art. She is good at placing lovable cartoon characters and adding a deriding and rakish taste to her works with surreal and mysterious atmosphere. If we take a closer look at the principal characters, we will find that their hairstyles, accessories, facial expressions, as well as the patterns on their clothes, the specific object held in their hands, and other less significant characters, animals and scenes accompanying the principal characters are all creatively designed and cleverly arranged. Every detail is created for a symbolizing purpose and follows the logic of message delivering. Having said that, we also find that the overall tone of Chang’s creations does not contain much rational thoughts about design, but unrestrained imagination and poetic sensibility. Her recent works have been extended from the visual graphic images to the 3D sculptures and installations, and this fact makes her an architect building her own fairy kingdom across time and space as well as the historical and cultural barriers. 

With Fairy Tale Reincarnation—Chang Chia Ying Solo Exhibition, Chang uses her first announced Legend series as the theme, where she transforms the familiar characters in the Eastern and Western fairytale stories, and rewrites the plots for some of them. The presentation of the entire series is like a continuous performance at an experimental theater. Chang intends to bring some breakthrough to the conventional concept in her Head-switching series. The characters are mostly from her Legend series, but every painting consists of two parts—an upper half and a lower half. Every combination contains different elements from both the Eastern and Western stories. Through this switching-head ritual, she uses these collages to develop new and different storylines and create some new dialogues among the characters. In addition, the newly created series, Rolling Eyes to the Left and Right, is painted in symmetrical arrangement with a fun and whimsical atmosphere. It leads the viewers to go over all the paintings in the exhibition room by following various pairs of eyes. These eyes are like the viewers’ eyes, which are led to enter a fantasy world. 

In addition to her graphic works, Chang also makes an attempt to reproduce the characters and the fantasy scenes in a three-dimensional space in this exhibition. In other words, the entire exhibition provides a space for viewers to experience her fantasy world. Some common objects in her painting such as the ladder is transformed into the installation, A Ladder to Heaven, in which the principal character needs to take this ladder to enter the mysterious and unknown world. In addition, the viewers need to wear the mask of a fox in order to watch the instillation The Big Dryad. By doing so, they are allowed to enter a space with countless mirror reflections, participating in this fantasy world and embarking on a magnificent adventure along with the characters in Chang’s works.



2005年 畢業於國立台北藝術大學油畫組

2008年 畢業於國立台南藝術大學造型藝術研究所

2006年 獲台北市立美術館《台北美術獎》優選

作品透露出一種「童話短路」的狀態,作品中每個符號看似有他的任務,都在做著某件事,也 都在演譯著自己的故事,但是都是被切斷的,一個個的故事之間並無準確的順序,相較於卡漫藝術是扁平的,有如一個畫面定格,在畫面的背後並沒有要講述太多的 內容,相對於這種符旨(signified)的匱乏,他追求的是符旨(signified)的多義性。

Chang Chia-Ying

Born in Taipei in 1982.

2005 Graduated from the Department of Fine Arts, Taipei National University of the Arts, Taipei, Taiwan

2006 Taipei Awards, Taipei Museum of Fine Arts, Taipei, Taiwan

2008 Graduated from the Graduate Institute of Plastic Arts, Tainan National University of the Arts, Tainan, Taiwan

Her works reveal a “fairytale short circuit” situation. Every symbol has its own job—being engaged in a certain task, and telling a story of its own. However, the symbols are not connected and there is no strict order between them. Given that each cartoon artwork is presented on a 2D layout like a freeze-frame shot, there is not much content behind the canvas. As opposed to this poverty in the signified, what the artist pursues is the diversity of the signified.


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