





時間:2014/12/06 - 2015/03/01 《活動已結束》

地點:國立台灣美術館 數位藝術方舟

單位:國立台灣美術館 數位藝術方舟 《更多相關活動》


2014 Digiark Curatorial Exhibition Program - Forces of Evolution

開幕式:2014年12月6日(六) 14:30
座談會:2014年12月13日 (六) 13:00
展出地點:國立台灣美術館 數位藝術方舟



主說明文 / 王又安






其中以身體經驗的部分,可稱為「外的力量 (external-force) 」,這種影響在數位時代的變遷下,透過與數位接觸或是使用而進化延伸我們感知的身體經驗。身體與科技技術之間,一直以來是人類進化發展的追求,這種透過技術的製造提升我們身體或是感官能力,我們也從過去的神話與現在科幻題材中,看見這想像與期待。在數位時代中,我們也是不斷順應著數位技術去填充和放大我們的感知,現在我們很感官的聯結與使用方式,早已架構在一層又一層的數位關係上面。這影響似乎在實現我們對於科幻文學的想像與期待,像是:在人類與機器的方面,是否有著相同的對話頻率;像是電影《駭客任務》(The Matrix)中網絡空間(Cyberspace)隨時串聯彼此的介面系統;或是藉由義體化(prosthetic)所放大的幻肢情感等,科幻小說的劇情一一在我們現實生活中實現,不可否認大部份的人類對於科技是非常大的期待與想像。

而在思維經驗中,這種影響可稱為「內的力量(internal-force) 」,整合受到數位科技的影響下,穿越個人經驗及思維所內化出的精神風景。在數位經驗下的影響,我們已不再關心「數位」是否為一個工具,數位的思考方式也開始改變著我們的思維,透過數位經驗所產生的一種感知思維,好似數位力量使人進化成一種人機合體(cyborg) 的擬態,這種模樣不太像以往所追求數位中虛擬與真實,而更是接近一種數位內化(digital-internalization)的模樣。藝術家也開始思考著如何面對及反映這種思維方式,像是:關於藉由數位工具召回的記憶;透過數位經驗下無限風景;將自身思緒做為一種數位儀器的投射等,藝術家透過穿越個人經驗及思維,反映著我們在這個世代的精神風景。




Exhibition Dates: 2014.12.6~2015.3.1

Opening Ceremony: 2014.12.6 (Sat) 14:30

Venue: Digiark Gallery

Curator: WANG Yo-An

Artists: YU Shih-Fu, CHANG Huei-Ming, Mores ZHAN (ZHAGN Xu Zhan), HUANG Yen Chao, CHENG Yi-Ping (a.k.a Betty Apple), TSAI Chi-Hung


Statement / WANG Yo-An

The Digital “Force”

“Force” is the effect that leads to changes in speed, direction, or shape of any free body.

The changes and diaspora of digitalization also have changed the way and speed we receive information and knowledge. The rapid development in the digital age has comprehensively changed our experience and ability, thus giving new looks to the way we think and the way we live. With the development and transition of digital environment—from as small as chips to as large as satellites—we are all beneficiaries of the convenience brought by the advance of digital technology. How will this force, brought upon us by the current digital age, be presented in art?

Internal and External Forces

“Digital” has almost changed the way we live entirely. From the perspective of art, we examine our body in the digital experience—how we consider and reflect on imagination, experience, and thoughts. The changes and diaspora of digitalization also have changed the way and speed we receive information and knowledge. The rapid development in the digital age has thoroughly changed our experience and ability, thus giving new looks to the way we think and the way we live. We examine the relation between men and digitalization in two directions: experience of body and experience of thought.

As for the experience of body, it can be referred to as “external force”. This effect further develops and expands our perceptual physical experience through our contact with and use of digital technology over the transition into the digital age. Between body and technology, the goal of human evolution and development has always been the enhancement of own physical body or perceptions by creating technology, and we have already seen this imagination and expectation in the myths in the past and the sci-fi themes in modern days. In the digital age, we are also filling and expanding our perceptions as we respond to the development of digital technology; the perceptual ways of connection we have now are constructed on layers and layers of digital relations. This influence seems to be realizing our imaginations and expectations for science fiction, such as: whether there is a shared frequency of conversation between men and machines. Just like the interface system that is capable of connecting people at any point of time in cyberspace in “The Matrix”, or the magnifying of phantom-limb sensations through prosthesis; elements of science fiction novels are being materialized in real life, and it is undeniable that most people have great expectations and imaginations for technology.

As for the experience of thought, this kind of influences can be referred to as “internal force”, which integrates the internalized spiritual landscapes that transcend personal experience and thinking under the influences of digital technology. With the influences of digital experience, we no longer care if “digital” is a tool. The digital way of thinking has also started to change our thoughts, producing a kind of perceptual thinking through digital experience, as if the digital force has made men evolve into a kind of cyborg-like simulation. This state is nothing like the digital virtuality and reality we pursued in the past; rather, it is closer to a kind of digital-internalization. Artists have begun to consider how to confront and reflect on this way of thinking, such as: the memory recalled by using digital tools; the limitless landscapes through digital experience; and the projection of using one’s thoughts as a digital instrument. Artists reflect the spiritual landscapes of our generation by penetrating through personal experience and thinking.

Force of Evolution

Just like marching forward, digital technology brings force that is more in line with the life we imagine; this force is also connected to time and space, as well as every thing we have at the moment. How do we perceive and consider this “force”, the subtle changes it brings and the digital issues we should face as “men”? Every person can become the text for discussion in the modern digital life constructed by connecting bodies and digital technology; thus, in this “evolution”, what are our expectations and what are our legacies?

“Evolution” is this exhibition’s point of origin; then it spreads out towards two major directions—body and thinking—to explore how the six “forms” of the force brought by digital technology, including life, imagination, behavior, memory, experience, and thinking, are presented in art, as well as digital art creation that continues to develop and “evolve”. Can digital art go beyond media language in the future, and feature more “evolved” thinking and conversation on digital experience?

展覽組 江小姐(#711)
Exhibition Division Ms. Chiang(#711)  


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