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YOURART編輯 豆子‧台北當代藝術館新聞聯絡人 辛怡澄



日新國小以【地球花園】為題 展現對自然的觀察


成淵高中打造【都市祕徑】 創造城市新風景


建成國中的同學變身小小詩人 感受文字的樂趣







自2007年起開始,台北當代藝術館正式啟動了「館校合作—藝術家駐校教學計畫」(Artist in School Residence Program),是截至目前為止,臺灣唯一被列入美術館年度工作項目,並且常態化實施的特殊藝教方案。台北當代藝術館的教育推廣組,針對不同學齡層的需求或期望,邀集藝術家和日新國小、建成國中、成淵高中三校會商駐校教學之合作模式,當代藝術館除了扮演發動者,並媒合藝術家與藝術人文教師開發特色課程,館員也實際進駐這三所學校,協同藝術家執行教學的任務。這項計畫頗受三校師生及家長的重視和喜愛,不僅教學成果豐富可觀,為此而每年舉辦的「館校合作—藝術家駐校教學」成果展,也讓往來的社會大眾實地見證藝術教育的一種新興模式和豐碩成果。




Path to the Garden -from Rixin Elementary School to Cheng Yuan High School
Museum- School Collaborative Exhibition
Organizer: MOCA Taipei
Participating Schools: Taipei Municipal Cheng Yuan High School and Rixin Elementary School
Exhibition Duration: January 24 -March 1, 2015

The Artist in School Residence Program was first introduced by the Museum of Contemporary Art, Taipei (MOCA Taipei), in 2007. It has since become the only ongoing art education program in Taiwan that is regularly implemented by an art museum in collaboration with schools as part of its annual programming. Organized by the Education, Communications and Development Department of MOCA Taipei, the Artist in School Residence Program invites artists into the classrooms of three schools, Rixin Primary School, Jan Cheng Junior High School and Cheng Yuan Senior High School. The artists then create art projects with the students. The choice of artists and establishment of project objectives are determined by the needs of different age groups and the expectations of participating classes. In addition to initiating the program, searching for the appropriate artists and helping to develop curricula, the staffs of MOCA also stay on campus to assist the artists with project execution. This well-loved program not only produces measurable learning outcomes, but presents a new model for art education through its Artist in School: Exhibition of Art Projects from the MOCA-School Collaborative Residence Program held annually and open to the public.

For the fall semester of 2014, the Residence Program selected “natural environment and the earth” as its theme. A series of projects were created for the Senior High School and the Primary School to raise the students' awareness of their living surroundings and environmental protection. Chih-fu Yang one of the participating artists, is particularly concerned with the relationship between art and public spaces and living surroundings. His “Urban Secret Path” asks students from the selective art course in the high school to work in groups to discover the hidden beauty of nature in fast-paced city environments. Wei Chen another artist in residence, titled her project “Garden of the Earth”. She led fifth and sixth grade students from the primary school to create works of art inspired by nature, an approach Chen takes in her own artistic practice. Working in groups, the students successfully fabricated a winter wonderland where bright colors and dynamic lines enlivened a snow-covered world. The artwork expressed the creativity and vibrant imagination of the students.

The Artist in School Residence Program stimulates the students’ imaginations through group collaborative practice. Creativity is multiplied and connected to create works that combine a variety of art forms, including painting, drawing, sculpture, and environmental installations. The program has expanded in scale compared with past projects. The exhibition presents a kaleidoscopic collection of artworks, exhibited at locations such as the linear garden by the Zhongshan MRT Station and along the wall in the station’s underground bookstore street. It pays attention to the connection between artworks and the environments in which they are displayed, and also stresses the importance of interaction between the public and the art pieces. Most of the works on view draw their inspirations from daily experiences. Embedded in the artistic interpretations are mechanisms to trigger the curiosity of the public, prompting their voluntary contemplation. By means of art, the daily pathway of the park becomes a “secret path of art”, and the plain walls in an MRT station transform into an expansive landscape or "Garden of the Earth". It is the museum’s hope that the exhibition will serve as a good example of how art can enrich one’s life and environment, and that creativity and imagination can transform the humdrum daily routine into fantastic fun!






【Cheng Yuan Senior High School】Teaching Artist
Chih-Fu Yang

Chih-Fu Yang is an advocate and avid practitioner of public art. He not only creates artworks, but organizes and curates public art projects. He has served on the jury committee for government public art programs and as a training instructor for the Cultural Ministry of Taiwan on the practice of public art. He also provides guided tours of public art regularly. Chih-Fu Yang recognizes the significance of art education and finds joy in participating in art residency programs in schools and other communities. For Taiwan Biennial, 2014, Yang curated the section about the ongoing environmental art movement, Art as Environment: A Cultural Action at the Plum Tree Creek. His long involvement in the project enabled him to represent and re-interpret it in a meaningful and personal way. In the exhibition, he stressed the idea of the movement as a work-in-progress and accentuated the importance of continued participation and efforts. Other curatorial projects by Chih-Fu Yang include River Cruise in Plum Tree Creek (2013-2014), Global Homes: National Tsing Hua University Festival of Public Art (2013) and Sound of Silence—Kinmen Art Season of Peace: Steel Art Festival (2011). His solo exhibits include Dialectic of Language and Imagination (2010) and On Gardens (2009).

【Cheng Yuan High School】“Urban Secret Path”
Project Participants: The 2nd grade students enrolled in the arts program, total of 32 students.
Teaching Artists: Chih-Fu Yang
Art Teacher: Yu-ling Chen

Artist Chih-Fu Yang has worked with students of the arts program at Cheng Yuan High School in creating “Urban Secret Path.” In the project-based course, the students were engaged in activities that stimulated creativity as they observed the surroundings and shared life experiences. The goal was to encourage the participants to challenge conventional perceptions and definitions of art through the making of an outdoor environmental art installation. The students were asked to propose their own project ideas and discuss them with the artist. No limitations were imposed. In the process of executing their ideas, the students learned the techniques of building and shaping a design or structure in order for the final work to best meet their original vision.

A total of six works were created through the project. They are Urban Jungle, Finding Where One Begins, Let’s Go!, Secret Path, Secret World, Pressure, and Whisper. In them, one finds simplicity in complexity, tranquility in tumult, order in disorder and a sense of hope in confusion of being lost. It becomes apparent that the creators of these artworks hope to go beyond the learning of knowledge and explore the world at large. Presented in these installations are not the answers, but triggers that may inspire endless possibilities and reverberate with the viewer’s personal experiences. As one beholds the artwork, he may find himself wandering along the path of inner peace of mind, momentarily putting aside concerns and constraints of daily life and feeling reinvigorated in facing the challenges to come.

陳 薇

莎莎之森日常設計工作室Art Director / Lobby空間視覺設計與藝術設置規劃/圖騰設計/ 工作坊課程規劃、講師 / 前刀氏系Function同樂會成員,曾移居北馬利安娜聯邦,隨家人旅居海外多年,2008回台定居之後,重新投入創作與空間藝術設置接案,並預設自己為日常生活工作者,欲將藝術與設計置入在生活內容裡。2014 華山1914 【365藝術計畫】七月駐村藝術家/ 「冥想時刻」動態詩的凝視,2013 獲文化部藝術新秀視覺設計贊助計畫,協辦完成「亮眸~境內迷宮」之概念裝置與圖騰設計(個人創作整合展)。2013年受邀學學文化創意基金會公益課程「不只是紙–決戰伸展台」時尚藝術工作坊 Not Just Paper 課程規劃/講師。    

駐校藝術家:陳  薇



【Rixin Elementary School】Teaching Artist
Wei Chen

Wei Chen is the art director of Shasha & Awei Design Studio and interior designer and art decorator of Lobby. Also a totem designer, Wei Chen organizes and lectures at various design workshops. She is also a member of the Paper Cutting FUNction Design Club. She lived for several years in the Commonwealth of Northern Marian Islands where her family moved before she returned to Taiwan in 2008. Ever since, she has practiced studio art and executed commissions and commercial projects of site-specific art installations. Wei Chen defines herself as a life practitioner who pursues art and design in all aspect of her life. She was chosen as the artist in residency for July, 2014, by Huashan 1914 Creative Park’s 365 Art Project, for which she created 30 Sec.: The Gaze at Poetry in Motion. In 2013, Chen was chosen as one of the recipients of My First Show Grant provided by the Cultural Ministry of Taiwan. With the help of the grant, she held a solo exhibition entitled The Bright Eyes Gazing at the Mazes, showcasing her conceptual art installations and totem designs. The same year, she was invited by Xue Xue Institute to present the fashion-themed course, Not Just Paper.

【Rixin Elementary School】“Garden of the Earth”
Project Participants: The entire 5th and 6th grades students, total of 294 Students.
Teaching Artist:
Art Teachers: Hui-ling Wang, Hao Huang, Hui-Chen Chen

For the Artist in School Residency Program, Wei Chen presented “Garden of the Earth” in which she worked with fifth and sixth grade students of Ri Xin Elementary School to create a fairytale-inspired wonderland. In the course, Chen hoped to overturn the stereotypical perception of winter as a bleak and quiet season and reveal the vibrant colors and lines hidden under a snow-covered world. The course started in fall and developed as the season changed. With the advent of winter, the vitality of art also began to introduce a new energy to the class. The course took place in forms of personal practice, group assignments and collaborative execution of the final art installation. The students were introduced to works on paper and sculptural art as ways of stimulating their imagination, which eventually took shape as the artworks on display.

The artist guided the schoolchildren to transform animals and plants into lines and shapes and design and paint totems inspired by nature. The students carefully observed the structure of snowflakes and took advantage of symmetrical paper cutting to create paper snowflakes. They also repurposed recycled packing materials to sculpt trees, reindeer antlers and snowmen, piecing together a wintery scene of nature. With the help of imagination, young children’s curiosity and observation of nature became material for building a dreamland. More importantly, the seeds of art have been planted in the students’ hearts and may sprout and grow as the students go through life.

A Beautiful Aurora Art and Poetry Project
An Exhibition of Student Works from the Artist in School Residence Program of MoCA Taipei


In 2014, “literature and art” has been chosen as the theme for the Artist in School Residence Program collaboration between MoCA Taipei and Jian Cheng Junior High School. The choice of theme is an attempt to connect Chinese and performance courses and will last two semesters. In the fall semester, poet Hung Hung launched the yearlong program, entitled “The Beautiful Aurora Art and Poetry Project”, by re-introducing language and words to eighth grade students in Jian Cheng Middle High School. The students later learned to employ language as a medium for creative expression. Next semester, visual artist Chunju Lin will continue the program as she starts her residence. Lin plans to lead the students in creating conceptual artworks by drawing on a diversity of media, such as language, images, sounds and the body.


This exhibition showcases works by students who participated in The Beautiful Aurora Art and Poetry Project in the past semester. Collaborating closely with teachers of the high school, Hung Hung acquainted the students with creativity through literature. He encouraged his class to use common objects and scenes from their daily life as inspiration and portals of expression for their imagination and inner thoughts. The result is a refreshing collection of poems that bear the views and sentiments of the junior-high-schoolers. Throughout the three-week-long program, the students became increasingly enthusiastic as they uncovered the fun and joy of observing, contemplating and creating by working with their own life experiences. Twenty-four works are on view, including poetry, documents, images and art installations. Each represents objects from or a slice of a student’s life that served as their creative triggers. The audience will be able to find the works, along with documentation of the creative process, on MOCA Video and the Art Window at the museum’s outdoor plaza.

Organizer: MoCA Taipei
Collaborating School: Jian Cheng Junior High School, Taipei

About the Artist in Residence at Jian Cheng Junior High School, 2014

A poet, playwright and screenwriter, Hung Hung is the winner of the Wu Sanlian Literature and Art Award and the Nan-Ying Literature Prize. He is currently the executive director of publishing house Dark Eye and artistic and stage director of theater group Dark Eye Performance Lab. He also works as the Editor-in-Chief for poetry journal Off the Roll: Poetry+ and lectures as an adjunct teacher at Taipei National University of the Arts. In addition, Hung Hung has served as the curator for Taipei Poetry Festival since 2011 and the New Taipei City Film Festival since 2012.

Hung Hung is a prolific author. His publications include the poetry collection Plowing Renai Road, prose compilations Sundry the T-Shirt and Diary of A-Gua—Chronicle of an Artsy-Fartsy from the 80s, and the novel Train (illustrated by comic artist Chi Hoi), to name just a few. Other literary works by Hung Hung include theater and screen scripts and critiques. Besides writing, he has also directed a number of films, including fictional movies The Love of Three Oranges, The Human Comedy, A Garden in the Sky and The Wall-Passer, as well as documentaries Bohemians in Taipei, A Young Student Teacher’s Journal, Time for Dancing and Choirs for Tomorrow.

Describing himself, Hung Hung once said, “I see poets as people who in some ways voluntarily ‘expose their own flaws’ in order to ‘discover the hidden soul of things,’ as Carl Jung put it. Of course, the things exposed may include parts that one is afraid of facing. When a poet is able to recognize these parts, his writing will reflect such self-affirmation. It gives out an air of righteousness and confidence that does not fall on the side of arrogance or contempt. A poet also needs to learn not to repeat himself, which is even more challenging. This reminds me of a saying from my father's hometown, which goes ‘Any good thing repeated three times becomes a nuisance that even a dog resents.’”

For more writings by Hung Hung, please visit his blog Hung Hung’s Outdated Amusement Park at


Path to the Garden from Rixin Elementary School to Cheng Yuan High School


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