




時間:2015/07/31 - 2015/08/23 《活動已結束》





「SHADOWS」Chih Wei CHUANG Solo Exhibition

● 展覽日期 Exhibition Date/07.31(Fri.) —08.23(Sun.) 11:00-21:00 (週一公休,Closed on Monday)
● 開幕茶會 Opening/07.31(Fri.) 18:00
● 展覽地點 Venue/台北國際藝術村,百里廳 Taipei Artist Village, Barry Room
● 藝術家 Artist/莊志維 Chih Wei CHUANG

2014年至東京Tokyo Wonder site進行駐村,記得那時遇到一個花藝家說道:植物藉由花藝延續下一段奇異生命。在黑夜,植物從土壤中被剪下插在水中,當清晨陽光升起的那一霎那,斷根的花朵一齊轉向陽光,完成他最魔幻的美麗時刻。這一段充滿日本對於美學的詩意敘述,賦予物件的重生與存在更深一層的意義,也開啟這次創作計劃的想像。

「東西自有它們的生命,只要喚醒它們的靈魂就行了。」 馬奎斯在《百年孤寂》說到。



In 2014, supported by Taipei Artist Village/Artist-in-Residence Taipei, Chuang Chih Wei performed residency in Tokyo Wonder Site, Toyko, Japan. During his residency in Tokyo, he was told by a florist that a plant extends its next life through the art of flower arrangement. In the dark nights, the plants are cut off and stuck into water. When the sun rises, all the cut flowers turn their heads to the sunshine and complete their glamorous moment of magic. The poetic narration of Japanese aesthetics has further defined rebirth and existence that is also where his imagination of the creation project begins.

In the book One Hundred Years of Solitude, the author Gabriel García Márquez wrote, “Objects have their own lives. All we have to do is to wake their souls.”

In regards to the transformation and revival of life, many similar descriptions are found in both eastern and western worlds. It is documented in the Bible that “the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.”In Chinese mythology, the goddess Nu-Wa blows air toward the small clay figure and thus makes it “alive”. The breathe, which is described in the mythology, energizes the inanimate object with a life, just like a beam of light in the morning, or the one-degree change of temperature during the transition of seasons, can bring a life back from death. After human being entering the industrial age, complicated machines can be operated by one degree of electricity or one drop of petroleum. The external force acts as the splendid magic of regeneration to give birth to an object.

The exhibition is titled as Shadows, which literally means the shadows of flourish plants. However, considering “light” was often used as the media of the past artworks of mine, there is another meaning to borrow the shadows made by light for implying the controlling status behind the beauty.

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