


江山國際即興音樂節 International Improv Festival:Bob Ostertag (US) X Mark Alban Lotz (DE) X Alessandro Bosetti (IT) X 劉芳一 Fangyi Liu (TW)

江山國際即興音樂節 International Improv Festival:Bob Ostertag (US) X Mark Alban Lotz (DE) X Alessandro Bosetti (IT) X 劉芳一 Fangyi Liu (TW)

時間:2015/11/03 - 2015/11/04 《活動已結束》

地點:江山藝改所 (新竹市江山街13號至15號間小巷內/城隍廟旁)

單位:江山藝改所 Jiang Shan Yi Gai Suo 《更多相關活動》




江山國際即興音樂節 International Improv Festival

時間 Time/
2015/11/03(二) 19:30-21:30

地點 Venue/
江山藝改所 (新竹市江山街13號至15號間小巷內/城隍廟旁)
Jiang Shan Yi Gai Suo (In the alley between No.13 & No.15, Jiang Shan St., Hsinchu City/near Cheng Huang Temple)

表演者 Performers/
Bob Ostertag (US)
Mark Alban Lotz (DE)
Alessandro Bosetti (IT)
劉芳一 Fangyi Liu (TW)

票價 Ticket/
$300 (學生票Student Ticket $240)

購票方式 Buy Tickets/
1. 線上購票 Online:
2. 現場現金購票 Pay by cash at door

●地圖 Map
English version:


關於表演者 About The Performers/

● Bob Ostertag (US)
1957年生於美國新墨西哥州,作曲家、表演者、歷史學家、樂器製作家、新聞記者、社會運動者、獨木舟教師,Bob的作品與其人都無法輕易的被歸類。至今已出版二十一張CD、兩部電影、兩張DVD和三本書,他對於當代政治的著作被翻譯成許多語言版本並在世界各地出版。他自行設計的電子樂器皆走在音樂與錄像表演科技領域的最前端,並於世界各地的音樂節、影展與多媒體藝術節中演出。他的合作對象極為廣泛,包括著名的Kronos弦樂四重奏、前衛音樂家John Zorn、重金屬巨星Mike Patton、爵士樂大師Anthony Braxton、女同志龐克搖滾樂手Lynn Breedlove及電影導演Pierre Hébert等等。自2006年三月起,他將所有他擁有版權的專輯以創用CC的授權方式免費提供數位下載。Bob目前在加州大學戴維斯分校教授科技文化研究與音樂。

Composer, performer, historian, instrument builder, journalist, activist, kayak instructor, Bob Ostertag's work cannot easily be summarized or pigeon-holed. He has published 21 CDs of music, two movies, two DVDs, and three books. His writings on contemporary politics have been published on every continent and in many languages. Electronic instruments of his own design are at the cutting edge of both music and video performance technology. He has performed at music, film, and multi-media festivals around the globe. His radically diverse collaborators include the Kronos Quartet, avant garder John Zorn, heavy metal star Mike Patton, jazz great Anthony Braxton, dyke punk rocker Lynn Breedlove, drag diva Justin Bond, Quebecois film maker Pierre Hébert, and others. He is rumored to have connections to the shadowy media guerrilla group The Yes Men. In March 2006 Ostertag made all of his recordings to which he owns the rights available as free digital downloads under a Creative Commons license. He is currently Professor of Technocultural Studies and Music at the University of California at Davis.

● Mark Alban Lotz (DE)

Born in 1963; grew up in Thailand, Uganda and Germany. Started playing the flute at seventeen and ended up studying both: jazz at the Hilversum Conservatory as well as classical/contemporary music at the Amsterdam ‘School of Arts’. Private tuition in the US (NYC & LA) and student of Indian Bansuri flute at Codarts, Rotterdam. Mark’s music builds a bridge between jazz and contemporary music – often crossing boundaries with other musics of the world. Exponent of a new generation of an truly European Jazz Musician, broadly informed and minded. This live takes him all over the globe. As (co-)leader realized many collaborations in various disciplines: African music, Afro-Cuban music, Balkan music, free improvised music, house music, modern jazz, new contemporary music, art, dance, theater and video art. Part of the ‘Music: World Series‘ concert/festival organisation, initiator of the weekly concert series ‘u-ex(perimental)‘ with free improvised music (2007-2011) and the government board of Improvising musicians (BIM). Toured the USA, Canada, Cuba, Suriname, French Guiana, Turkey, Russia, Moldavia, Ukraine, Bulgaria, Germany, the Netherlands, Spain, Slovakia, Austria, France, Senegal, Egypt. Now proffessor for flute (jazz/latin) at the Conservatories of Utrecht, Rotterdam, Zwolle.

● Alessandro Bosetti (IT)
1973年生於義大利米蘭,作曲家、表演者、聲音藝術家,目前居住於柏林。Alessandro多數的作品意在探索語言的音樂性與口語溝通的聲響面向,他通過對於詞語的誤解、翻譯與訪問等手法作為作曲的工具。他的演出透過人聲與電子器材模糊了電聲作曲、聽覺寫作與表演之間的界線,曾在許多重要的表演場域演出,包括巴黎的GRM/Presences Electroniques電子音樂節、紐約的Roulette及The Stone與倫敦的Cafe OTO,演出足跡遍及歐洲、亞洲及美國。近期所獲獎項為Phonurgia Nova prize 2012與IDAF prize 2013。至今出版超過十張個人專輯與更多合作專輯。歐洲媒體盛譽他為「當代場景中最勇於突破且引人入勝的人物之一」。

Alessandro Bosetti (Born Milano, Italy, 1973) is a composer, performer and sound artist currently based in Berlin. Most of his works delve on musicality of spoken language and sonorous aspects of verbal communication. He utilizes misunderstandings, translations and interviews as compositional tools. He has been presenting pieces for voice and electronics blurring the line between electro acoustic composition, aural writing and performance in leading venues as the GRM/Presences Electroniques festival in Paris, Roulette in NYC, The Stone in NYC and Cafe OTO in London among many more all over Europe, Asia and the United States. Most recently he was awarded the Phonurgia Nova prize 2012 for his composition “636” (RTBF 2010) and the IDAF prize 2013 for his performance “Mask Mirror”, an instrument and software that reorganizes speech for musical purposes enacting an electronic ventriloquism. Bosetti has published more than ten CD’s under his own name on labels as Errant Bodies Press, Monotype, Rossbin and Sedimental and many others in different collaborative settings. Blow Up magazine has called Bosetti “One of the most anomalous and fascinating figures in the contemporary scene“.

● 劉芳一 Fangyi Liu (TW)

Fangyi Liu was born in Kaohsiung, Taiwan in 1986. He concentrates in free improvisation, field recording and sound collages. He mainly focuses on two aspects. First is about the human voice. The pronounce action from different races and cultures contained not only languages, but also the sound of out of languages, before languages, distortion and lapsing of languages, etc. Even the unestablished pronouncing still can bring the signal or context to the receivers. Second is about the environment sound or sound field. People are surrounded with sounds induced by every vital or mortal things. The problem of sensing or recognition environmental sound are his major projects. He tries to use any kind of materials or methods to approach these two topics. He also created a Facebook group called "Cochlea" and try to introduce musicians from different fields to the new audiences. He organizes performances to promote new audio experience. He has an experimental casette duo called “poor squirrel" with noise musician Huan-Zhang Gu. He has published two hand-made CD recordings including “Koujie-Koujie” and “Bathroom Meteorology”.

江山國際即興音樂節 International Improv Festival

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