



【TSO】瓦格獻禮2—貝瑞佐夫基斯與TSO Varga Exclusive 2—Gilbert Varga & Boris Berezovsky

【TSO】瓦格獻禮2—貝瑞佐夫基斯與TSO Varga Exclusive 2—Gilbert Varga & Boris Berezovsky

時間:2016/05/13 - 2016/05/13 《活動已結束》

地點:臺北市中山堂中正廳 ( 臺北市延平南路98號 )




Varga Exclusive 2— 
Gilbert Varga & Boris Berezovsky

Gilbert Varga, Principal Conductor 
Boris Berezovsky, Piano 
Taipei Symphony Orchestra 

George Enescu: Romanian Rhapsody No. 2 in D Major 
Sergei Rachmaninov: Piano Concerto No. 4 
Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky: Fantasy-Overture for Orchestra in F Minor, Op. 67, Hamlet 
Franz Liszt: Mephisto Waltz No. 1, S. 514 

對於喜愛宏大鋼琴曲目的愛樂者而言,貝瑞佐夫斯基是個必定不會錯過的名字,自從1990年奪得柴可夫斯基大賽首獎以來,這位鋼琴家便以拿手的李斯特、蕭邦、柴可夫斯基、拉赫瑪尼諾夫、蕭士塔高維奇作品叱吒樂壇。作為今日俄國琴壇的當然代表,兩年前他與TSO 合作時,就曾帶來與自己心靈相通的大前輩拉赫瑪尼諾夫的高難度曲目:第三號鋼琴協奏曲,攀登鋼琴與管弦樂團力與美的高峰。 
如果說第三號是作曲家為初次到訪新大陸準備的見面禮,那麼第四號鋼琴協奏曲,便是拉赫瑪尼諾夫移民久居美國的深度心得報告,在美妙依舊的拉式旋律和令人屏息的高超技巧之中,更洋溢著現代與爵士的音樂色彩,惟待首席指揮吉博‧ 瓦格親率TSO 相迎,與頂尖鋼琴家攜手迸發一場「不只是浪漫」的極致燦爛。 

首席指揮/吉博‧瓦格 Gilbert Varga 
隨著2016 年的到來,首席指揮吉博.瓦格與TSO 的合作也正式邁向第四年。曾與指揮大師費拉拉、傑利畢達克與布魯克學習的他,指揮風格既有黃金時代的權威,更有嶄新時代的朝氣。優雅又細膩的樂句要求,與TSO 一拍即合,再創音樂高峰。2016 上半年樂季,瓦格一如既往,致力介紹大眾尚未熟悉的經典篇章,與樂迷一同欣賞南美的獨有熱情、東歐的超技狂想,以及俄國的暗湧奔放,聆聽音符當中的不朽傳奇! 

鋼琴/布利斯‧貝瑞佐夫斯基 Boris Berezovsky 
鋼琴家貝瑞佐夫斯基為1990 年國際柴可夫斯基大賽鋼琴金牌得主,以兼具力度的炫技演奏、與生俱來的獨到眼光及音樂感受力而聞名於世。早在 1988 年,他在倫敦魏格摩爾音樂廳舉辦獨奏會,《倫敦泰晤士報》即形容他為「一位前途無量的藝術家」。 
貝瑞佐夫斯基經常受邀與世界頂尖樂團同臺演出,亦經常受邀舉行獨奏會。他曾灌錄蕭邦、舒曼、拉赫瑪尼諾夫、穆索斯基、巴拉基雷夫、麥哲納、拉威爾作品及全套李斯特超技練習曲大碟,亦曾灌錄多張協奏曲專輯,曾榮獲BBC 音樂雜誌大獎、法國古典音樂世界大獎、留聲機大獎、德國回聲大獎及法國金音叉大獎…等。 

Varga Exclusive 2— 
Gilbert Varga & Boris Berezovsky

Gilbert Varga, Principal Conductor 
Boris Berezovsky, Piano 
Taipei Symphony Orchestra 

George Enescu: Romanian Rhapsody No. 2 in D Major 
Sergei Rachmaninov: Piano Concerto No. 4 
Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky: Fantasy-Overture for Orchestra in F Minor, Op. 67, Hamlet 
Franz Liszt: Mephisto Waltz No. 1, S. 514 

For music lovers infatuated with concert programs full of grand and magnificent piano works, Berezovsky is a name that you simply must not miss. Ever since 1990, when he won first prize in the International Tchaikovsky Competition, this pianist has been stunning audiences worldwide with his adroit renditions of the works of Liszt, Chopin, Tchaikovsky, Rachmaninov, and Stravinsky. As a natural representative of contemporary Russian performers, two years ago when he performed with the TSO, Berezovsky brought a daunting piece — Rachmaninov's Piano Concerto No. 3, reaching the piano and the orchestra's zenith of power and beauty. 
If the Piano Concerto No. 3 was indeed a gift for his first encounter with the New World, then the Piano Concerto No. 4 was more of a spiritual reckoning for Rachmaninov after emigrating to and living in the U.S. for a while. In the bowed melodies, just as gorgeous as in the past, and with breathtaking, masterful technique, there is an overflowing sense of modernity and jazz-like idioms. It is anticipated that under the baton of principal conductor Gilbert Varga, the TSO welcomes this renowned pianist to perform together on stage in a concert that is the epitome of brilliance and "not merely romantic." 

Gilbert Varga, Principal Conductor 
As 2016 arrives, the collaboration between Principal Conductor Gilbert Varga and the TSO reaches its fourth year. Having previously studied with conducting maestros Franco Ferrara, Sergiu Celibidache, Charles Bruck, Varga's conducting style possesses the authority of the golden age of conducting and the vitality of a new era. Demanding elegant and refined phrasing and hitting it off with the TSO, Varga once again reaches new musical heights. For the first half of the 2016 music season, Varga, as in years passed, strives to introduce classic works that most people are not familiar with, selecting to share with music lovers the unique passion of South America, the virtuosic and fantastical music of the Middle East, as well as the swelling boldness of Russia. Come hear the immortal legacy of these soaring notes! 

Boris Berezovsky, Piano 
Boris Berezovsky has established a great reputation, both as the most powerful of virtuoso pianists and as a musician gifted with a unique insight and a great sensitivity. His London debut at the Wigmore Hall in 1988, The Times described him as an artist of exceptional promise, a player of dazzling virtuosity and formidable power. 
Boris Berezovsky is regularly invited by the most prominent orchestras, and is often invited to the most prestigious international recitals series. With Teldec, Boris Berezovksy has recorded works of Chopin, Schumann, Rachmaninov, Mussorgsky, Balakirev, Medtner, Ravel and the complete Liszt Transcendental Studies. With Mirare, Boris Berezovsky recorded the Rachmaninov Preludes as well as the complete Rachmaninov Piano concertos with the Ural Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by Dmitri Liss, and another CD for two pianos dedicated to Rachmaninov with Brigitte Engerer which received several great prizes.

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