





時間:2013/04/06 - 2013/05/05 《活動已結束》

地點:悠畫廊 臺北捷運中山地下書街文創區B44展間



開幕會// 4/6(六)15:00-18:00
展期// 4.06-5.05
營業時間// Tue-Sun 1:00pm-8:30pm 歡迎預約

悠畫廊(Yo Gallery)將於4.06至5.05推出「Tentacle觸踫」。觸手是具象的生物體器官,在『觸踫』一展中,藝術家的視覺呈現"力與漂浮"的操控力道,融合虛無主義與魔幻寫實的精神,甚至帶著日系復古卻又卡漫的味道。多變的觸手元素,引導一種虛幻感和宇宙感,同時不失幽默的『觸踫』。

Tentacle as a tangible elongated flexible unsegmented extension has always appealed to the artist. In the latest solo exhibition “Tentacle", the artist presents visuals with a marvelous balance of being   “grounded" and being “drifting". The aesthetic is a mix of her usual  nihilism and magic realism, added a fine tone of Japanese nostalgia and ubiquitous humor. With “Tentacle" our imagination drifts around and extends further.



►About Graffiti Wang
Graduated from Taipei Municipal University of  Education with a Visual Art major, Graffiti Wang hides herself in the city, with a low-key momentum, she accumulates and also releases creative energy thru differnt music and art shows.  In recent time she enjoys making work with mixed media on masks and on wood.

悠畫廊是臺灣獨特展示國際級街頭藝術之藝廊。 街頭作為開放性的日常公共空間,人們走在街頭,彼此擦身而過卻同時共享街頭的一切,而街頭藝術(Street Art)的創作者選擇以街頭為其創作場景,必然秉持著向大眾發聲的理念,舉凡對當代社會的憤怒、政治諷喻、黑色幽默、或純粹希望自己的視覺作品被看見,始 終是基於一種“分享”態度 — Welcome enjoy my art. 「歡迎欣賞我的創作」。 將街頭藝術引進畫廊,是期待讓無法遍足各地的人們,可以透過悠畫廊看到精選的街頭藝術家作品我們展示街頭藝術中的極品,希望臺灣的觀眾即使無法親身經歷世 界各地之街頭藝術,也能在這裡欣賞到那股強烈的原創及特有文化精神。

►About Yo Gallery

Yo Gallery is a unique art space located in Taipei, Taiwan. We feature art with Street Art spirit.Street is of a public thoroughfare where people run into each other with care or with neglect. Artists who choose street as their canvas discard the notion of art serves for rich or noble people (which has been passed on throughout art history), instead, they prefer their voice to be heard by the public, their ideas to be seen by the public, the passion is good to be shared rather than be stored in the cabinet. “Welcome enjoy my art” is the greatest gift to the public from the nature of Street Art.As a street art gallery, having street art in the gallery may not necessarily play a contradictory game. We hope to make connection with worldwide street art scenes, and bring cool street art to those who may not travel often enough to see art on the streets themselves, and also to those always love street art as we do.

營業時間// Tue-Sun 1pm-8:30pm 歡迎預約
電話// 02 2563-3151 / 0972-896207
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地址// 臺北捷運中山地下書街文創區B44展間(開車:中山北路二段44巷底R9出口 / 捷運:可由雙連站下站,沿地下街往中山站走至B44店位)
