



《a piece of the world》 ART COCKTAIL×自由人藝術公寓 日本新銳藝術家策畫聯展

《a piece of the world》 ART COCKTAIL×自由人藝術公寓 日本新銳藝術家策畫聯展

時間:2016/04/27 - 2016/05/14 《活動已結束》


單位:ART COCKTAL&自由人藝術公寓



ART COCKTAIL(日本大阪)為提供在關西地帶活動的新銳藝術家或創作人表現的地方,2005年開始正式營運。主要以油畫、水彩畫、壓克力彩畫、書畫、日本畫等繪畫或插畫的平面作品為主,定期舉辦個展、聯展等藝術活動。此外透過販賣文創商品或手創藝品,獲得了男女老少的歡迎。

2014年到15年間,由總公司日本MSI主導的文化活動計畫,於大阪的地標GRAND FRONT OSAKA舉辦了「ART FEAST」等藝術展覽。從日本各地募集到將近200位藝術家和創作人參展,與當地的藝術愛好者一同炒熱了大阪的藝術環境。此外,和關聯的展演空間Vi-code,多年來共同舉辦音樂跟藝術結合的企劃活動。強調「來自大阪」,突破藝術的高牆,持續著各式各樣的挑戰。

和自由人藝術公寓,藉由上述提到的「ART FEAST」開始了國際藝術交流。去年秋天,有幸受邀參加於台北舉辦的「台北藝術自由日」,連結了這次在台中策畫日本藝術家聯展的機會。期待今後在大阪的展場也能與台灣的藝術家及其作品相遇。


策畫展的主題《a piece of the world》

集合了大約30位20~30代的新銳藝術家,以壓克力彩、水彩、鋼筆畫等等,在日本很普遍的SM 規格畫布上進行創作,不同的參展者以不同的主題表現出包羅萬象的世界。希望能透過22.7cm×15.8cm大小的碎片拓展出完整的故事以及創作者的世界觀,感受日本人獨特的感性。



Exhibition Introduction

Established in 2005 in Osaka, Japan, ART COCKTAIL Gallery is committed to presenting and promoting art by local emerging artists.  The gallery regularly holds solo or group exhibitions focusing on painting and illustration in oil, watercolor, acrylic, and other paints, Japanese-style painting, and Sho (calligraphic work).  In recent years, we have been working on design and production of original stationery and other items featuring artists and creators, that is well-received by people of all ages.


In 2014 and 2015, ART COCKTAIL hosted a series of events including ART FEAST at Landmark GRAND FRONT OSAKA, as a cultural project under the sponsorship of our parent company, Japan MSI Ltd.  The project made great art scenes in Osaka, where almost 200 different artists or creators from all over the country participated to bring a lot of excitements along with fervor of local audiences.

We have also proceeded with collaboration project between music and art in cooperation with Vi-code, our affiliated place with live music.   We will continue to introduce artists and artworks from Osaka and to take on challenges to go beyond the boundaries of conventional thinking of art.


Freedom Men Art Apartments (自由人藝術公寓) and ART COCKTAIL have fostered international cultural exchange since the former joined the ART FEAST in Osaka.  As part of the exchange, ART COCKTAIL made a presentation at Taipei Free Art Fair last autumn and is proud to represent a Japanese group exhibition, a piece of the world, at Freedom Men Art Apartment Gallery in Taichung this time.  In the near future, we will look forward to welcoming Taiwanese artists and their artworks to Osaka again.


Exhibition Concept

a piece of the world ―――

The Japanese group consisting of 30 young talented artists will show Thumb-hold (22.7cm×15.8cm) sized paintings and illustrations using acrylic, watercolor, pen, and other paints on canvas, paper or wood.  Thumb-hold sized work is now highly popular among Japanese art lovers.  On such a small piece, the artists express things in the universe with individual themes.  Looking into the piece, you may find the story and the perspective woven into it, and also the Japanese unique sensibility.  We hope that you relish each one of the inspiring pieces of the world.  All the works on display are available for purchase.  Some of the artists will come to Taichung to attend the opening reception.  It will be our pleasure to welcome many of you to our exhibition, a piece of the world.

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