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德國藝術家Johanna Flammer個展 SET OUT
展出藝術家|Johanna Flammer
開幕時間|2016/05/20 6:30pm
展覽時間|2016/05/20 – 2016/06/10
開放時間|1pm - 6pm (Tue - Sun),週一與國定假期休
SET OUT - A Solo Exhibition by Johanna Flammer
Artists|Johanna Flammer
Opening|2016/05/20 6:30pm
Time|2016/05/20 – 2016/06/10
Venue|Galerie Grand Siècle
Open Hours|1pm - 6pm (Tue - Sun),Closed on Monday.
德國藝術家Johanna Flammer個展 SET OUT
新苑藝術將於5月20日至6月10日展出德國藝術家Johanna Flammer個展。Johanna Flammer是德國當代藝術中受矚目的藝術家之一,畢業於杜塞爾多夫藝術學院 (Kunstakademie Düsseldorf),甫於柯隆Gallery Osper結束個展,她是2012年德國BLOOMAward得主,同年展出得獎作品於科隆ART.FAIR藝術博覽會,2013年更由ART.FAIR為其特別企劃展出個展NODI。
這樣的精神性正如1977年,法國後結構主義學者德勒茲(Gilles Deleuze)與瓜達西(Félix Guattari)藉由植物學「塊莖」(Rhizome)所闡述的異質聯結性與多樣性,該理論系統內提到物質世界存在多元、非層級性、無須排列分類的游牧因子,Flammer的作品似乎也與此游動能量共舞。
SET OUT - A Solo Exhibition by Johanna Flammer
Galerie Grand Siècle will present a solo exhibition of Johanna Flammer titled Set Out during May 20 to June 10. Johanna Flammer is in the limelight of Germany contemporary art scene. Graduated from Kunstakademie Düsseldorf, just finished the solo exhibition in Gallery Osper, Cologne, she is the recipient of BLOOM Award 2012 whose awarded series were featured in ART.FAIR, cologne in the same year. In 2013, ART.FAIR cologne staged her solo exhibition NODI as an exclusive project.
Johanna Flammer is not afraid of the horror vacui, the emptiness of the canvas at the beginning. She features a new quality by the juxtaposition of phantasmagoric images losing the sense of distance. The multifarious whole beyond nature or surrealism is fortified by her multifaceted touch in acrylic, oil pigment, photography, collage and strokes. She has no pre-fixed image and no compositional pan in mind. Her objective is aimless, consciously losing control during creation.
The essences of the works of Flammer seem to resound with the nomadic energy comparable to the post-structural system linked with rhizome, proposed by Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari in 1977. This theory was based on non-classified associations independent from order. Such nomadic elements with multiple, non-hierarchical points of entry and exit can be enjoyed in the exhibited works of Set Out.
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