



Metaphysical Art Gallery --Future In the Past

Metaphysical Art Gallery --Future In the Past

時間:2016/08/02 - 2016/09/27 《活動已結束》


單位:形而上畫廊 《更多相關活動》


路永遠在腳印的前面,只有走出時代,才能創造歷史。曾經,藝術家在畫布烙上什麼印記,擲入多麼瘋狂的執著,總需要時光,在明天過後,去醞釀接下來的故事。時間之內,我們咀嚼著歲月的輪廓;時間之外,是沒有盡頭的傳奇,其中的高潮與轉折,都揮灑在或魅惑或磅礡的藝術創作裡。 天野喜孝採用對比強烈的絢爛色彩,在鋁製的材質上創造一個過去與未來並存的奇異幻想空間,波瀾壯闊且優美如詩。Mr.以明快又細膩的卡漫風格,歡樂地呈現那年夏日的青春回憶。充滿後普普的意趣,Thukral & Tagra以日常生活的浪漫語彙,反思印度在現在與未來之間的轉折。王攀元去形取神,以顏色當血肉,主角總沉默在畫面的角落,留下一大塊蒼茫的空間,來鋪敘耐人尋思的情節。吳昊筆下的女孩,多年來一直沒在畫布上變老過,記憶中那些艷麗飽實的花朵也從沒有褪色,而激烈的賽馬恰似畫家豐沛的創造力,隨著馬蹄的騰躍,落在生命最多彩繽紛的扉頁。郭振昌將社會觀察的強烈感受,直截成世俗媚惑圖象,用墨黑的線條區隔俗豔的色彩與圖騰,抒發情慾的,顛覆的,迷信的,狂野的,沉意識的眾生相貌。絕對是視覺的魅惑,陳景亮以硬如石頭的苗栗土燒製出鮮嫩光滑的傳統豆腐,以及陳舊的木頭層板和鏽痕斑斑的鐵釘,三種幾已亂真的不同質感,挑戰視覺的極致,也寫著歲月的滄桑與溫暖。李明則化身為說書人,以古樸的色調,稚拙的筆觸,詼諧的李式符號,在畫布上天馬行空地敘述記憶裡的神怪與傳奇,民間生活的經歷與圖騰。陶文岳以點、線、面和圖騰符號結合優雅內斂的生命色彩,帶領我們尋找客觀世界的真理,想像世界的無限。陸先銘強而有力的以精簡而紮實的高架橋,驚心動魄地宣示前瞻的鬥志與企圖。張堂庫獨鍾「路邊劇場」的自然生態,就在枝葉茂密的林蔭深處,在果實纍纍的枝頭間隙,美麗伴隨著哀愁,快樂與危險並存,戲劇式的鋪敘,讓觀者怔撼寧靜後的另一種激情。 不是波光浮影。藝術家們潛意識的憧憬、悲憫和離騷,充滿魅惑的表情張力,讓時空定格在遙遠的某處,交集成美麗的印記,鏗鏘成未來的傳說。


The road lays always before the feet, and only those ahead of the times could create history. For the life past, what impressed on the artists' canvas and how frenetic persistence they took for art, time will tell. And what story comes up next, time will develop after the present. In the time frame, we experience the real trace of years; beyond the time, there is endless legend, and the climax and twist crossing through all express freely in the powerful and fascinating creations.
Yoshitaka Amano uses strongly contrasting brilliant colors on the aluminum to build a fantastic space where the past and future coexist, expressing an immense wave, but still elegant as a poem. Mr. recreates the joyful memory of youth in summertime with lively and delicately cartoon & comic style. Full of interest and charm of Post POP, Thukral & Tagra reviews India during the transition between the past and the future with the romantic vocabulary in daily life. Wang Pan-Youn refines spirits from appearances and colors the pictures by the moral. The main character always sits at the corner in silences, leaving a huge boundless space for mystic colors to depict meaningful stories. As time goes by, the girls on Wu Hao’s canvas never become old, and those gorgeous flowers in the memory never fade away as well. The horse racing is intense as Wu Hao’s plentiful creativity falling on the most colorful page of life with the curvet of the horse. Kuo Jen-Chang directly pictures the strong feelings of social observations into flattery seductive images. Black lines separate vulgar colors and totems, express those erotic, overthrowing, superstitious, wild, subconscious faces. Chen Ching-Liang has turned Miaoli clay, which is as hard as stone, into soft smooth tofu, the old wood plank and the rotten iron nails that holds the tofu. Through these three vivid but different textures, A-liang represents the extreme challenge to the limit of visual art as well as the hardship and tenderness of time. Lee Ming-Tse embodies his identity as a storyteller, utilizing primitive colors, childlike strokes and humorous Lee’s symbols to unlimitedly narrate on the canvas the fairy legends and myths and experiences of folk lives. Tao Wen-Yueh uses spots, lines, patches and totem signs to combine with elegant and inward colors of life; brings us to look for the truth of the outer world and the infinity of imaginative world. Lu Hsien-Ming loudly pronounces a prospective morale and attempt with precise and firm structures of overpasses. Jang Tarng-Kuh particularly likes natural ecology of "Roadside Theater". In the deep shadow of green under the obscure atmosphere and in the fruitfulness covered by twigs of plants, we find that beauty accompanies sadness and happiness binds danger. In artist's dramatic plan, we are amazed that the passion after silence on canvas spreads affectively.

Not superficial. The dream, sympathy and sigh in the artist’s subconscious full of charming expressions of life freeze the time and space somewhere afar, form into beautiful records, and shines splendidly into the future’s legend.

Thukral & Tagra / 生活 / 183x183cm / 2009 / 油畫 壓克力顏料 畫布

王攀元 / 洛陽秋色 / 72.5x60.5cm / 1965 / 油畫

王攀元 / 海的那一邊 / 50.2x41.8cm / 1979 / 水彩

吳昊 / 競技 / 128x128cm / 2011 / 油畫

吳天章 / 關於砲台的聯想之一 / 45.5x53cm / 1991 / 油畫

吳天章 / 關於砲台的聯想之二 / 53x65cm / 1991 / 油畫


李明則 / 不爭山水情誌 / 180x160cm / 1992 / 壓克力顏料 畫布

郭振昌 / 關於臉 相-3 / 50x60.5cm / 1998 / 綜合媒材

郭振昌 / 拈花微笑 / 130.5x96cm / 1997 / 油畫

天野喜孝 / 無題 / 50x50x10cm / 2007 /壓克力彩 鋁板

金昌烈 / 回歸 / 80.5x116.5cm / 2014 /壓克力彩 油彩 畫布

密斯特 / Hiromi and Nau's Summer / 117.5x91.5cm / 2007 /壓克力彩 畫布

張堂庫 / 路邊劇場---晨間遊戲 / 112x162cm / 2011-2012 /油畫

陳景亮 / 豆腐 / L42xW35cm / 2006 /硬陶

蕭筑方 / 我在這 / 38x45.5cm / 2012 /壓克力彩 畫布

陶文岳 / 遠古的傅奇 / 112x145.5cm / 2012 / 油畫

陸先銘 / 綠椰 / 53x72.5cm / 1994 /油畫


鄭建昌 / 延傳希望 / 130x97cm / 1996 /油畫





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