



當代敘事影展─【何處是我柬埔寨的家+炸彈池塘+獨白】 Where I Go + Bomb Ponds + MONOLOGUE

當代敘事影展─【何處是我柬埔寨的家+炸彈池塘+獨白】 Where I Go + Bomb Ponds + MONOLOGUE

時間:2016/10/30 - 2016/10/30 《活動已結束》

地點: 臺北市客家文化中心三樓放映室 (臺北市汀州路三段2號) (地圖MAP)

單位:財團法人台北巿客家文化基金會 指導:臺北市政府客家事務委員會 承辦:大大樹音樂圖像




Where I Go 
寧卡維 Neang Kavich 
2013 | 柬埔寨 Cambodia | 55 min | 台灣首映 Taiwan Premiere 
2013 阿姆斯特丹國際紀錄片影展

少年派迪卡是柬埔寨和喀麥隆的混血兒。父親來自喀麥隆,1992年赤柬垮台後,柬埔寨迎來第一次民主選舉,聯合國組成多國聯合政府進駐柬埔寨,派迪卡是此波戰後嬰兒潮縮影代表。母親離家多年,父親只是一張相片的存在,格格不入的外表使他在孤兒院備受歧視,無處可歸。派迪卡試著尋找自己的父母,等待他的卻是殘酷荒謬的現實人生,世界如此寬廣,下一步往哪裡去...? 柬埔寨新銳導演Neang Kavich首部紀錄作品,以簡潔而充滿張力的紀實影像,透過少年純真的眼光與際遇,窺見柬埔寨戰後內在的暴力與矛盾。 

The story of San Pattica, a high school age student who was born to a Cameroonian father and Cambodian mother, and his struggles with his mixed race identity. His mother left him to be raised by his grandmother; his father left Cambodia after finishing his term as a United Nations Peacekeeper in the early 1990s. Eventually Pattica winds up being sent to an orphanage. Pattica discovers that he has a half-sister, Pattina, the daughter of his mother and a man from Ghana. Being half-black and half Cambodian, Pattica and Pattina grapple with the racism they encounter. Meanwhile, Pattica tries to track down his father. 

Bomb Ponds 
萬迪‧拉塔那 Vandy Rattana 
2009 | 柬埔寨 Cambodia | 24 min

1964-1975年越戰期間,美軍在中立國柬埔寨投擲了超過270萬噸的的炸彈,這項數據一直到2000年才被美國政府低調發佈。導演Vandy Rattana走訪了柬埔寨轟炸情況最嚴重的十個省份。當地人把這些遍佈在平原上,宛如隕石坑的大洞為「炸彈池塘」。直到今日,他們的生活仍脫離不了戰爭的影響;為了生存,他們發展出與池塘炸彈共存的特殊生活方式。Vandy Rattana以影像為抗爭手段,揭露美軍檔案之外柬埔寨戰後的魔幻寫實地景。 

In this video, Vandy Rattana looks at the effects of the US bombing in Cambodia on the landscape and people, and the physical and psychological scars that remain from the Khmer Rouge era. American forces dropped 2.7 million tons of bombs in Cambodia during the Vietnam War between 1964 and 1973, a figure that was not publicly acknowledged by the US until 2000. Vandy traveled to ten provinces in Cambodia and interviewed villagers on their memories of the bombings and their relationship to the "Bomb Ponds," as they are referred to in the Khmer language, indicating the US-created bomb craters, which are now idyllic looking bodies of water surrounded by vegetation. The villagers' collective memory spurs us to reconsider the historical impact of such military campaigns and similar acts of violence. 

*10/24 1930 *10/30 1200 映後導演座談


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