



再建構:Ajim Juxta &Helí García雙個展

再建構:Ajim Juxta &Helí García雙個展

時間:2017/03/22 - 2017/04/23 《活動已結束》


單位:好思當代 HAOHAUS



「再建構:Ajim Juxta Helí García雙個展」,為2017好思當代藝術家駐地創作展覽系列之一,也是一個遊走北中南三個城市,讓國外藝術家充分與台灣的風土人文及民眾交流互動的藝術巡迴展。本展緊接著二月在「好思當代-台北館」首展的圓滿閉幕,訂於三月下旬在「好思當代-嘉義館」重新開幕,並安排於月中在駐留地「好思當代-新竹館」辦理開放工作室並於年底辦理期終展覽活動。特別的是,在這巡迴旅程中,每次展出的內容並非固定一致,而會針對三地藝術空間不同的地緣特色和人文訴求,進行有機的調整和變化。


本展的兩位駐地創作藝術家,分別是來自馬來西亞的Ajim Juxta及來自西班牙的Helí García。本次雙個展的對話主題為「再建構」,是有鑑於兩位藝術家之作品雖各有不同的內容觀照和創作風格,但都針對特定傳統價值觀、體制建構或社會理想,表達了一種質疑的態度或解構、反思、乃至於再建構的觀點。事實上,這也是全球當代藝術界不斷探討和呈現的一個焦點課題。




" Reconstruction- Duo Exhibition of Ajim Juxta Helí García " is one of the 2017 Haohaus exhibition series of on-site creation. This is an exhibition tour, first stop is Taipei Haohaus Gallery, then go to Chiayi and Hsinchu. This exhibition is an organism, we will reorganize these artworks depend on individual space features.

These two residence artists are Ajim Juxta came from Malaysia and Helí García came from Spain. The theme of the dialogue is "reconstruction", which is based on the different content of the works and the creative style, but for the specific traditional values, institutional construction or social ideals, expressed a questioned attitude or deconstruction, reflection, and even the construction of the point of view.

These two residence artists have this opportunity to meet in Taiwan together this year. Itll be such an aesthetic dialogues in this dual exhibition. This is a spiritual collision of these two artists and the cultural encounter from two different countries.

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