

2024 ART KAOHSIUNG 高雄藝術博覽會




時間:2013/06/01 - 2013/07/07 《活動已結束》


單位:台北當代藝術館 《更多相關活動》


展覽名稱 | 放‧生林英玉個展

Exhibition | Releasing From Life & ParadigmYing-Yu Lin Solo Exhibition

展覽時間 Date | 2013/06/01-07/07

展覽地點 Venue | MOCA Studio

門票 Admission | 免費,free

策展人 Curator | 鄭芳和 Fang-Ho Cheng

展覽簡介 Exhibition Introduction


Ying-Yu Lin, born in 1962 in Wuci Township of Taichung County, graduated from the Art Department of National Dajia Senior High School. Under the tutelage of modern painter, Buh-Ching Huang, Lin learned about the Freudian theory of the subconscious and also the surrealist style, and began using art to express the dual possibilities of revealing the social consciousness and exploring his inner realm. Previously worked as a landscape artist, Lin began to devote to art wholeheartedly in 2001. With complex, vivid compositions and hybrid, mutated humanoid characters, Lin has created an artistic style that incorporates local Taiwanese essence and highly unique personal style.

此次在當代藝術館室內展場和戶外空間同步上檔的【放.生.大.典-林英玉個展】,共展出12件平面繪畫與15組雕塑創作。裝置於戶外廣場的8個《消波女神》雕像,矗立在海邊常見的消波塊上方,結合了護土、止煞、和賜福等象徵意涵,是藝術家紀念與感懷2009年 莫拉克八八風災之作;在當代館室內實驗展場的入口處,這個花園女神雕像以另一種都市化的版本出現-盛花開放的頭變成了旋轉的七彩霓虹燈;豐滿白淨的女體也 變成了彩色繽紛的影像劇場。登堂入室之後,迎面而來色彩光鮮亮麗,旨在讚頌寶島生命母神的《春花夢露》,以及象徵台灣山海各種生機能量大匯合的《蓬萊仙 島》等大型繪畫作品,加上多件造型詭異離奇、內容引人想像的雕塑作品,整體展示情境,正如一場喧囂華麗的亞熱帶嘉年華盛會,也彷彿是台灣內在生命力和多元 社會風貌的濃縮寫照。

Releasing From Life & Paradigm-Ying-Yu Lin Solo Exhibition simultaneously takes place both inside and outside MOCA, Taipei, and includes 12 paintings and 15 sets of sculptures. The eight sculptures of The Tetrapod Goddess on the plaza are inspired by the tetrapods often seen at sea shores that act as armor units on breakwaters. The artworks symbolize the protection of earth, stopping of evil and granting of blessing, and are created by the artist in remembrance of the disastrous Typhoon Morakot that traumatized Taiwan on August 8th, 2009. At the entrance of MOCA Studio is where another sculpture of the garden goddess is placed. This urban goddess has a headful of blooming spinning neon lights, as her voluptuous, alabaster body is transformed into a visual theater with vibrant colors. Upon entering inside, the audience is greeted by A Drifting Life that celebrates the vital goddess of Formosa and large scale paintings, such as Formosa Island that depicts the bio-diversity and energy in Taiwan. Along with several bizarre and imaginative sculptures, the exhibition is like a lively and magnificent tropic carnival as well as a microcosm of Taiwan’s life force and social diversity.

林英玉的創作,試圖以個人潛意識世界發掘出非理性的力量,對抗和顛覆存在於當代社會系統中的理性霸權。在他的創作中,怪誕的靈性被轉化為一種超脫/救 贖的力量;藝術只有「放」在世俗文化裡更能觀照人的「生」命價值;從事藝術也等於是自我放生-放下功利的偏執、找到精神的重生。這一次的【放.生.大. 典】個展,也可視為林英玉的現身說法-透過藝術觀想,從喧鬧現實、荒謬世故的云云眾生,回歸純真原始、充滿青春活力的本來面目。

With his art, which comes from the exploration of irrational forces embedded in his personal subconscious, Lin attempts to confront and subvert the rational hegemony in the contemporary social system. In his art, bizarre spirituality is transformed into forces of transcendence and salvation. Only through the “release” of conventional perceptions could art reflect the value of “life.” To create art is, therefore, a form of self-release—to release one’s utilitarianism and to be reborn spiritually. In the midst of the noisy real world filled with absurd and jaded people, Releasing From Life & Paradigm-Ying-Yu Lin Solo Exhibition is Lin’s personal take on how he returns to a pure, youthful, and vibrant self through art.


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05/31放.生.大.典Releasing From Life & Paradigm開幕座談會

放.生.大.典Releasing From Life & Paradigm】藝術家簡歷 Artist Introduction






2024 ART KAOHSIUNG 高雄藝術博覽會

2024 ART KAOHSIUNG 高雄藝術博覽會

時間: 2024/11/29 ~2024/12/01

2024 ART KAOHSIUNG 高雄藝術博覽會 2024. 11. 29 - 2024. 12. 01 (2024. 11. 28 ...