

2024 ART KAOHSIUNG 高雄藝術博覽會


夢境邊緣-諾貝爾文學獎得主 高行健個展 The Edge of Reality: Gao Xingjian Solo Exhibition 2013.6.29-7.28

夢境邊緣-諾貝爾文學獎得主 高行健個展 The Edge of Reality: Gao Xingjian Solo Exhibition 2013.6.29-7.28

時間:2013/06/29 - 2013/07/28 《活動已結束》




諾貝爾文學獎得主高行健將以「畫家」身分來到台灣,親自參加亞洲藝術中心舉辦的近作展《夢境邊緣-高行健個展》(The Edge of Reality: Gao Xingjian Solo Exhibition)之開幕酒會,他用水墨創作告訴我們,他在黑暗中看到了什麼畫面。629日-728日將展出十六件新作,短暫的停留時間中高行健安排舉行密集的展演活動,將是今年台灣藝術界的盛事。開幕當日高老師將親臨會場,參與者將有機會與國際藝術大師互動。



關於此次個展主題中文「夢境邊緣」,和英文The Edge of Reality(現實邊緣)的對照性,高行健自認為很有詩意:「正好說明了我的狀態,遊走在現實與夢境之間,兩者重疊、模糊、沒有明確的邊界。」他曾說在作畫前,會先放空自己,把一切束縛都放掉,有的時候也會靜坐,閉上眼睛讓自己安靜下來,在一片黑暗中便總會有某些意象油然從深處湧現。這是一種「近乎迷狂的狀態」,使他在畫布或宣紙上揮灑自如,而達到水與墨相濡的親暱。


邀請您至「夢境邊緣-高行健個展」現場親炙大師風範,深刻感受到高行健在繪畫領域,一樣地才華洋溢! 7月底前,請至亞洲藝術中心位於大直的台北二館(中山區樂群二路93)

此外,此次應國立台灣師範大學之邀,高行健在台也將排演華麗搖滾音樂劇《山海經傳》。此劇以高行健鉅作為文本加以改編,於628-30日在台灣演出四場,堅強的演出陣容包括戲劇界第一武生朱陸豪飾黃帝、第三屆「超級偶像」明星段旭明飾后羿,畢業於義大利國立米蘭威爾第音樂院的女高音何康婷飾女媧;在導演梁志民、劇本改寫與作詞者陳樂融,作曲家兼音樂製作的資深音樂人鮑比達相互激盪下,開創一齣顛覆視覺與聽覺感官的搖滾音樂劇。最初討論將此劇作改編成音樂劇時,高行健自己便提出「搖滾」的想法,梁志民表示,「搖滾」最適合把劇本中上古時期的活力、慾望等各種直接且強烈的情感表現出來。詳細購票資訊請上兩廳院售票系統‎,團體購票洽詢電話:02-7734-5486 周小姐。










2013629 728


2013629()  3pm-5pm



What do you see when you close your eyes?

Gao Xingjian, the first Chinese Nobel laureate for literature, comes to Taiwan as a “painter” and will personally attend the vernissage for his solo exhibition The Edge of Reality: Gao Xingjian Solo Exhibition. From his ink paintings, the artist reveals to us what he sees in the dark. From June 29th to July 28th, the exhibition will showcase his 16 most recent works. Gao Xingjian’s short stay in Taiwan is one of the major events in art field this year. Despite his tight schedule, visitors who attend the opening will secure a chance to meet this internationally acclaimed master in art.

Gao Xingjian, born in 1940 in Ganzhou of the Jiangxi Province, is a writer, playwright, painter, photographer, and director of film and theatre. In the year 2000, he became the first Chinese Nobel laureate for literature, surprising not only the Chinese-reading public but also the rest of the world. The Swiss Royal College stated about his work: "for an œuvre of universal validity, bitter insights and linguistic ingenuity, which has opened new paths for the Chinese novel and drama." Gao Xingjian was the director of the Institute of Literary Studies at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. Liu Zaifu, visiting professor of the Chinese Civilization Centre at the City University of Hong Kong, said, “It reveals Chinese culture that is little-known to the public.”

Gao Xingjian is undoubtedly a well-rounded artist. Besides his reputed literary oeuvre, he is also known for his paintings that epitomize the notion of individuality. Before Gao Xingjian was awarded the Nobel prize in 1996, the director of Asia Art Center, Lee Duenlang, made acquaintance with his paintings and was intrigued. The more he learned about the artist the more he felt that loneliness permeating from within. Lee decided right away to work with the artist who “gave a unique sense of loneliness because he was rarely understood,” and brought back works from France to Taiwan for more exposure. This artist is especially sensitive to personal spiritual experience; he attempts to explore inward and to articulate his solitude through repetitious writing and painting.

The title of this exhibition, “The Edge of Reality,” works to complement its Chinese counterpart “The Edge of Dreams”, which symbolically represents his state of existence. “The title describes my current situation of wandering between reality and illusion, and the two realms are overlapped and blurry, without a clear boundary,” said the artist.  “The title describes my current situation of wandering between reality and illusion, and the two realms are overlapped and blurry, without a clear boundary,” said the artist. Gao Xingjian also explained that before he began painting, he would close his eyes to clear his mind so that he could attain peacefulness through meditation. In the darkness, he said, there would always be some imagery that would emerge from the depths of his soul. He would envelop himself in an almost ecstatic state" that helped him to draw freely on canvas or xuan paper, and to achieve mutual intimacy between water and ink.

In Gao Xingjian’s paintings, the abstract landscape of black and white represents the ethereal realm of the mind, where one closes one’s eyes to “see.” It is about the light and shadow in the darkness, and about the delicate nuances of style. Gao Xingjian, who is accustomed to using Chinese brushes to paint, particularly enjoys the different fascinating expressions that brush strokes create. He believes that the spirituality and charm of the ink lies in its various styles and colors. His paintings do not have fine brushwork and are profound and captivating. The artist is also inspired by photography; he incorporates the idea of a “focal length,” to create dream-like and hazy scenarios which cannot be understood through the simple dichotomy between abstract ideas and empirical reality. Despite having spent almost thirty years in France, we can still associate his works with Zen Buddhism, a style not defined by any genre. His art truly represents the “Spirit of the East”—a contemporary interpretation of traditional ink paintings.

We cordially invite you to visit The Edge of Reality: Gao Xingjian Solo Exhibition to experience the enchantment of his art. The exhibition will be on view at Asia Art Center Taipei II in Dazhi, Taipei (No. 93, Lequn 2nd Road) until July 28.

In addition, Gao Xingjian is also invited by National Taiwan Normal University for a spectacular rock musical “The Legends of Mountains and Seas” which is based on Gao’s literary work. From June 28th to 30th, the musical will have a total of 4 sessions in Taiwan. The cast include: Chu Luhao, renowned actor in Chinese theater known for playing martial roles, as Yellow Emperor; Duan Xuming, contestant singer from the 3rd “Super Idol, as Hou Yi (who shot down nine suns in the legend); Soprano Ho, Kang-ting, graduate of Conservatorio di musica "G. Verdi" di Milano, as Nüwa (a Chinese creator goddess). As a result of intellectual sparks between director Liang Chi-ming, script editor and song writer Cheng Le-rong, and celebrated composer and music producer Bida Bao, the rock musical will certainly put one’s visual and auditory senses in utter amazement. In the early stage of planning, Gao himself brought up the idea of “rock 'n' roll”, “the passionate ‘rock 'n' roll’ provides a suitable stage performance to demonstrate the primitive desires and energy of ancient time in the original script,” Liang explained. For ticket booking, please visit For group booking please contact Ms. Chou at +886-2-7734-5486.


Exhibition Info


Gao Xingjian


The Edge of Reality: Gao Xingjian Solo Exhibition


Asia Art Center Taipei II No.93, Lequn 2nd Rd., Taipei 10462, Taiwan


June 29 – July 28, 2013


June 29, 2013 (Sat)  3pm – 5pm

Gallery Hours:

Tuesday – Sunday, 10:00am – 6:30pm (Closed on Monday)

