


【新花樣 Flowers Nouveau】Kevin Woodson 實驗展覽

【新花樣 Flowers Nouveau】Kevin Woodson 實驗展覽

時間:2019/03/08 - 2019/03/31 《活動已結束》


單位:秋刀魚藝術中心 《更多相關活動》


「新花樣 Flowers Nouveau」這系列作品希望承襲19世紀新藝術運動(Art Nouveau )的自由奔放與詩意,並擷取當代設計與古典神話的元素,以一種新的方式來表現花朵的無限與超然。多年來的寫生創作,我已把花朵視為一種心靈的象徵,而那些穿梭其間的魚兒飛鳥,對我以及對花而言,也都是珍貴的夥伴。
In Flowers Nouveau I wanted to capture the freedom and poetry of the Art Nouveau movement of the 19th  Century in flowers. I chose this new direction in my paintings so I could include elements of today’s New Floral Design movement, and inspiration from myth. The flowers I paint in this series are absolutely unrestrained, breaking free of gravity and time to become part of a greater, transcendent garden. In fact, I feel that decades of painting flowers in gardens have taught me to see and paint the divine in my subject. I’m sure you’ll notice that so many of these paintings also include birds, fishes, and other hidden treasures that are the precious companions, both to me and the flowers. Because this is a new approach for me and for flower painting in general, I have chosen a fresh approach to present these multimedia paper paintings, varnishing the paper, but not covering it with glass or mat board. I hope you’ll enjoy the visual poetry in each painting and all the flowers that remind us of love and human potential every day.

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