


99%的真實|馬維元x林哲志聯展|99%Truth - MA Wei-Yuan x LIN Zhe-Zhi Joint Exhibition

99%的真實|馬維元x林哲志聯展|99%Truth - MA Wei-Yuan x LIN Zhe-Zhi Joint Exhibition

時間:2021/02/20 - 2021/03/20 《活動已結束》

地點:臺北數位藝術中心 DAC

單位:臺北數位藝術中心 DAC


99%的真實|馬維元x林哲志聯展|99%Truth - MA Wei-Yuan x LIN Zhe-Zhi Joint Exhibition
● 藝術家|Artist
馬維元 MA Wei-Yuan & 林哲志 LIN Zhe-Zhi
● 展期|Exhibition Period
● 開幕導覽 |Opening & Guided Tour
2021/02/20 Sat. 15:00
“99% Truth” is an exhibition featuring artists MA Wei-Yuan and LIN Zhe-Zhi, the exhibition leads viewers on an exploration of “relationships” through the discourse between the works by the two artists. LIN Zhe-Zhi's work blends a fictional narrative with the public's collective memory of the early space arms race, the story revealed how a country can accumulate power and capital through technological claims and in turn develop diplomatic relations. MA Wei-Yuan’s work combines installations and routine performances. MA solicits couples to come to experience the work, where they will fall asleep after they exchange secrets with the artist, after confirming they have entered into the state of deep sleep the participant will receive a secret from him/her, a secret that is only revealed at the time of deep sleep that cannot be read...
Relying on that little white lie, or the gray area that both parties knew about and didn't clarify, allowed each of these relationships to continue. From the smallest unit of two individuals to the convoluted relationship of competition and cooperation between two countries, we find that relationships of different scales share similar structures.
→ 藝術家座談 Artist talk →
● 可能的任務 Possible Impossibility
時間:2021/3/13 Sat. 15:00
地點:臺北數位藝術中心 DAC
藝術家Artist:林哲志 LIN Zhe-Zhi
與談人Speaker:區秀詒 AU Sow-Yee
● 談個戀愛到底要多真實?How real does it need to be in a relationship?
時間:2021/3/20 Sat. 15:00
地點:臺北數位藝術中心 DAC
藝術家Artist:馬維元 MA Wei-Yuan
與談人Speaker:李銘宸 LI Ming-Chen
