



田田圈文創:荷蘭最美麗的書 展覽

田田圈文創:荷蘭最美麗的書 展覽

時間:2013/07/13 - 2013/08/04 《活動已結束》


單位:田田圈文創工作群 / 田園城市文化事業有限公司


荷蘭最美麗的書 展覽

活動時間: 2013.07.13 - 08.03 (Sat) / 週一~五 09:30-18:30 / 週六~日 12:00-18:30 
活動地點: 田園城市藝文空間 / 台北市中山北路二段72巷6號B1
講座地點: 林果良品 / 台北市中山北路2段72巷18-1號

主辦單位: 田田圈文創工作群 / 田園城市文化事業有限公司
協辦單位: 荷蘭書藝基金會(Stichting De Best Verzorgde Boeken) / 臺北市政府文化局 / 荷蘭貿易暨投資辦事處 / 蔡明穎建築師事務所 / 洋蔥設計 / 林果良品
開幕時間: 2013.07.13 (Sat) 14:30
策展人: 龔維德 Sasson Kung



經由擧辦全世最美麗的書展與德書藝基金會取得近10年來得到獎項的內容資料,在分析得獎類別中,以積分的方式計算(全場大獎4分,金奬3分,銀獎2分,銅奬1分)最後統 計的數值,荷蘭第一,德國等二,瑞士第三,而荷蘭的人口數與台灣相仿,所以圖書巿場的經濟規模也應相同,甚至荷語閲讀巿場只有2200萬巿場,比繁體的人口還要少,所以我們更有機會創造更好銷售佳績,但為什麼他們所設計的書本,有那麼好的品質,另外網路電子書的普及也造成紙本巿場的萎縮,但此事實讓紙本巿場成極大化及極小化,極大化就是普及成隨手可得的爽報或是破報,極小化就是讓書本設計朝向更精緻更藝術方向前進,像現在流行音樂巿場規模思考,所以荷蘭書本設計是我們學習的方向。

自從2010年起田田圈文創陸續舉辦2011書本設計大師美國耶魯大學教授Irma boom 書本設計展,2012與德國書藝基金會合辦全世界最美麗的書展,在這兩個展覽吸引非常多的設計師參觀並得到啟發,當然我們邀請10位專家(含金碟奬評審主席王行恭老師)分享書本設計的不同論點,此影響力我認為台灣設計師有感受到,所以去年和今年我們有亮眼的成績,全世界最美麗的書得一銀一銅,所以我們相信在我們持績借鐿國外經驗,我想台灣在出版產業特別書本設計可以更上一層樓,我們也期待不久的將來,在e-book 網路閱讀趨勢下,還是有一股清流在紙本巿場努力下的台灣設計競爭力,也只有紙本的書本可以創造除視覺之外其他的五感經驗。


7/20 (Sat) 14:30 台灣書本設計 vs 荷蘭書本設計
李志銘│台灣大學建築與城鄉研究所碩士 / 著有《半世紀舊書回味》,《裝幀時代:台灣絕版書衣風景》,《裝幀台灣:台灣現代書籍設計的誕生》與《單聲道:城市的聲音與記憶》
龔維德│策展人 / 荷蘭設計觀察家
講座地點: 林果良品 / 台北市中山北路2段72巷18-1號

7/27 (Sat) 14:30 荷蘭平面書本設計觀察
張軒豪│字型設計師 / 荷蘭Royal Academy of Arts MA Type and Media
許琇鈞│平面設計師 / 荷蘭Design Academy Eindhoven MA Information Design
講座地點: 林果良品 / 台北市中山北路2段72巷18-1號
導覽:07/20、07/27、08/03 13:30
龔維德│策展人 / 荷蘭設計觀察家


The Best Dutch Book Designs

Organizers:Tien Tien Circle Creative / Garden city publishers
Collaborators:Stichting De Best Verzorgde Boeken / Deaprtment of Cultural Affairs, Taipei City Government / Netherlands Trade & Investment Office / Ming-Ying Tsai Architects office / Onino design Associates / O’Ringo
Times:2013/7/13 (sat) – 2012/8/03 (sat) Mon ~ Fri 09:30-18:30, 
Sat-Sun 12:00-18:30
Location:Exhibition / Guided tour Garden City space of art Lectures / O’Ringo
Opening:2013/7/13 (sat) 14:30
Curator :Sasson Kung 

Specially thanks for Stichting De Best Verzorgde Boeken Just Enschedé

Dating back to 1926, the yearly judging of the Dutch Best Verzorgde Boeken is the oldest in it’s kind in Europe. Due to several interruptions, the selection of books published in 2012 is the 54th one.

The somewhat old-fashioned expression best verzorgd (best cared for) has never been dropped because of the fact that what the juries award in the first place, are books, not only their design. Each well-made book is a meeting between content and material, the result of a cooperation between a commissioner (mostly a publisher), a designer and the graphic industry. The role of the various participants is ever-changing.

Each year Dutch publishers, designers and printers submit over 300 books to be judged. The jury consists mostly of a publisher, two designers and a printer or binder, the fifth jury member being alternately a bookseller, a book historian, a museum curator or a writer on the subject.

The rules and criteria by which the jury is tied are kept to a minimum. The members of the jury are invited to select books that are excellent in their physical appearance and in doing this they are to keep an eye on the correlation between form and content. Thus each jury is free to develop their own emphasis, to decide which annual report or desk agenda is to be considered a book and which not, and to select certain books which it considers not to be missed in spite of certain shortcomings.

The selection of the year consists of 33 books at maximum. In the selection trade books are confronted with museum publications, corporate editions with private initiatives.

The books are being exhibited at the Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam and several other places in the Netherlands and abroad. Recently the number of expositions tends to increase. In 2012 Premsela, the Netherlands Institute for Design and Fashion started the traveling exhibition The Best of Dutch Book Design with last year’s Best Dutch Book Designs as it’s main part.

Besides that the selection is brought together each year in a bi-lingual book, The Best Dutch Book Designs / De Best Verzorgde Boeken. This catalogue presents the selected books in words – the judges reporting on each book separately – images and technical data. These ingredients are presented in a different way each year due to the catalogue being designed by a different graphic designer. The contribution of the Dutch graphic industry in the coming about of this catalogue is not to be overseen.

Initiator of the yearly competition is the Foundation De Best Verzorgde Boeken, in which branch organisations of the book trade, the designers and the graphic industry cooperate. The main sponsor is Antalis, one of the leading Dutch paper suppliers.


Lecture 1
7/27 (Sat) 14:30 Discover between Taiwanese and Dutch book design
Zming Lee | writer / Taiwanese book design Specialist
Sasson Kung |Curator & Dutch design Specialist

Lecture 2
8/03 (Sat) 14:30 Reference of book and graphic design from the Netherlands
Joe Chang | Type designer / Dutch Royal academy of Arts MA Type and Media
June Hsu | Graphic designer / Design Academy Eindhoven MA Information Design 
Guided tour:7/20 (sat)、7/27 (sat)、8/03 (sat) 13:30
Sasson Kung | Curator & Dutch design Specialist

*unnecessary booking but space issue, please come earlier * 

聯絡 Contact
龔維德 Sasson Kung╱
