




時間:2013/07/12 - 2013/08/23 《活動已結束》

地點:新竹智邦藝術館-新竹市研新三路一號 (地圖MAP)

單位:新竹智邦藝術館 《更多相關活動》



展期:2013/07/12~08/23|週一至週五 10:00-18:30(周末與國定假日休館)
開幕茶會:2013/07/12 14:00


炎炎夏日,新竹智邦藝術館邀請大家走訪台灣新銳藝術家曾雍甯打造的「凝彩斑斕」世界!還記得小時候在課本用原子筆塗鴉的日子嗎?當你走進智邦藝術館,將會不可思議地發現牆上六件巨大的畫作,全部是用上百枝原子筆細細密密、一筆一筆畫出來的。藝術家曾雍甯將原子筆從書寫工具轉變成畫筆,利用原子筆有多彩的特性,讓硬筆超越單純的線條表現,以各種造型的塊面,交織出繽紛亮眼的《無數Myriad05》、《原生的律動》系列等作品。此外,曾雍甯也用最常見的藍、紅、黑色原子筆進行單色創作,在《春》、《秋紅2》、《迴 2》保留著原子筆來回畫過紙張的力道痕跡,這些痕跡記錄著創作的過程,同時顯露出身為一名藝術家的執著與毅力!



The Gorgeously Condensed Colors Created by Ballpoint Pens

During the hot summer days, Accton Art Gallery sincerely invites everyone to visit the world of gorgeously condensed colors created by the local young artist - Tzeng, Yong-ning!  Do you remember the elementary school days when using ballpoint pens to scrabble textbooks?  When you step into Accton Art Gallery, you will find six incredibly large paintings on the wall.  These paintings are all scrabbled by using ballpoint pens stroke by stroke.  The artist - Tzeng, Yong-ning turns the writing tool, ballpoint pens, into painting brushes.  By making most of the colorful features of ballpoint pens, he makes the paintings drawn with hard pens beyond the simple presentation of strokes.  The blocks of various styles are used to interweave the shining paintings separately titled Countless Myriad 05 and Native Rhythm.  Additionally, Tzeng, Yong-ning also used the frequently applied blue, red and ballpoint pens to create the paintings of a single color.  In the paintings titled Spring, Autumn Reddish 2 and Transmigration 2, the powerful scrabbling traces are left with the purpose to show the traces in the creating process.  Meanwhile, it is meant to demonstrate the dedication and perseverance of an artist!
Enter the Mother Nature and Head for the Globe

Tzeng, Yong-ning was born in the small town called Lukang.  Through ballpoint pens, he finds the rhythm of natural life and his creation also leads him to the stage of global communities.  Therefore, the delicate inscription of complex patterns can be seen from his artworks and these artworks are also featured with precise layouts of bright solid colors and innate beauty.  The paintings of ballpoint pens created by Tzeng, Yong-ning starts from sketching plants.  From the abstract geometric patterns, the microscopic cell nuclei, spores or blooming flowers can be clearly seen with their colors rotating, bouncing and colliding like music notes to demonstrate the painting rhythm of the subtropical ecology.  Such artworks of natural life interpreted by the visual art used to be invited by the Exhibition of the Nature and Forest Art Festival held in France.  They were also exhibited in New York, Roman and Hungary lately and even won the official collection from the Taiwan Museum of Art and the White Rabbit Gallery. The paintings created by Tzeng, Yong-ning with ballpoint pens showing the visual vocabularies full of musical contexts are exactly the classic facades of local contemporary art in Taiwan.  We welcome everyone enjoying “Into the Color Density” during the summer days from July 12th to August 23rd.



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