

2024 ART KAOHSIUNG 高雄藝術博覽會


::就在藝術空間::《INSPORTSRATION 動見》Shaun Gladwell & Riyas Komu | Opening7/13(Sat.)

::就在藝術空間::《INSPORTSRATION 動見》Shaun Gladwell & Riyas Komu | Opening7/13(Sat.)


單位:就 在 藝 術 空 間 PROJECT FULFILL ART SPACE 《更多相關活動》

JULY 13   Project Fulfill Art Space

Who is Shaun Gladwell?

澳洲藝術家尚恩.格萊德維爾(Shaun Gladwell)作品以個人經驗、當代文化與藝術歷史、傳統經典互為參照,透過表演、錄像、攝影等各種方式呈現。近來專注於錄像創作,多運用街頭的次文化語彙如:滑板、嘻哈、塗鴉、極限單車與街舞,透過主角在空間中的行為表演,以嫺熟的肢體動作與運動技能介入空間,並產生帶有批判意味與詩性的對話。影像的場景建構常挪用藝術歷史的類型與觀念,優雅的構圖使觀者聯想到經典作品的畫面,期望當代藝術得以與歷史相互連結指涉。


Shaun Gladwell’s works provide a complex interweaving of personal experience,contemporary culture, art history and traditional classicism, expressed through a variety of media, including performance, video and photography. More recently, the artist has focused on video work, with a preference for the language of street sub culture: skateboarding, hip-hop, graffiti, BMX bike riding and break dancing. The skilled physical movement and athletic proficiency of key actors imposes itself on the space in which they perform to create a dialogue infused with critical import and poetry. Gladwell’s video scenes often make use of art history genres and concepts, their exquisite creation bringing to mind classical works in an attempt to connect contemporary art to the broad sweep of art history.


Who is Riyas Komu? 

來自印度的藝術家瑞亞斯.科穆(Riyas Komu),作品帶有強烈政治色彩,身為足球迷的他常以足球選手為題材,探討政治如何介入並影響足球賽事,以及運動員的形體承載每次比賽的勝利或失敗的痛楚。本次展出一組11件的黑白攝影,以及一件以回收材料製成的雕塑。作品題名為:Subrato to Cesar,創作啟發來自於2009年尼赫魯杯足球賽中,印度國家代表隊守門員Sabrata Pal連續擋下三個決勝球保住了勝利獎杯,也為球迷們帶來印度隊距上次1950年參賽後,重返世界盃舞台的希望。藝術家揭示了Subrata Pal以及Julio Cesar(巴西國家隊,FIFA國際足球聯合會最佳守門員)兩位足球門將之間的距離,也隱含了重返世界盃這個遙遠夢想背後的希望與挫折。


Riyas Komu’s work is intensely political. Invited by Robert Storr, the art director of the 52nd Biennale di Venizia, he has exhibited in the thematic exhibition of La Biennale in 2007. As a football fan, he often uses football players as his material, and explores how politics interferes with and influences football matches as well as how the body of the athletes embodies the victory of the match or the anguish of losing the game. His work “Subrato to Cesar” inspired from that the goalie Subrata Pal saved three penalties in the Nehru Cup final against Kyrgyzstan, helping the Indian football team retain the trophy for the second consecutive time. For football fans, the victory represented the hope that the Indian squad would someday make its mark in the best international competitions. The hope and frustration of this distant dream is the theme of this work and also refers to the distance between the two goalkeepers Subrata Pal and Julio Cesar.

Chen Ching-Yao 陳擎耀

Chen Wan-Jen 陳萬仁

Liao Chi-Yu 廖祈羽

Yu Cheng-Ta 余政達


 INSPORTSRATION  動 見   台、印、澳聯展

 展期 Date              2013.7.13 -8.16

 開幕 Opening        2013.7.13 (Sat.4PM 


 座談 Artists Talk    


PART 1 :運動中的當代政治與身體 Body and Contemporary Politics in Sports  


The topic focuses on how contemporary politics behind sports indoctrinates, programs and manipulates one’s body, and of how one reacts against the ideology of class and the problems of sports through the same means. 

時間     Date   / 2013.7.13 (Sat.) 24PM

主持人 Host    / 胡朝聖 Sean C.S. Hu                

與談人 Artists / 陳擎耀 Chen Ching-Yao、瑞亞斯‧科穆  Riyas Komu、尚恩格萊德維爾 Shaun Gladwell


PART 2 :運動異化下之分身與身分 Identification and Split Identity Resulted from the Alienation of Sports


The topic deals with how artists explore the relationship between consumer culture and sports, and the identification of human beings in modern era through sports. 

時間     Date   / 2013.7.27 (Sat.) 4–6PM

主持人 Host    / 胡朝聖 Sean C.S. Hu

與談人 Artists / 余政達 Yu Cheng-Ta、陳萬仁 Chen Wan-Jen




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