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    2010年,飛人轉型進入第二階段,邀請戲劇講師/創作者傅裕惠擔任藝術總監,剪紙詩人夏夏成為核心團員,豐富劇團創作形式。製作規格定位為「以多元複合的精神製作/創作小規模、並挑戰傳統觀賞距離的表演藝術作品」,作品形式除了現代偶戲,更邀請各領域創作者發表新作。同年,飛人主辦首屆「超親密小戲節」( CLOSE TO YOU International Puppet Festival),成為「策劃/策展」角色推廣迷你偶戲概念─「以物件為介面、使用非劇場空間為表演空間的近距離演出」,除引見國外不同的小型偶戲創作,並集結國內偶的愛好者與不同領域的創作者合作發表新作,至今已舉辦四屆。


    近年重要作品:2013年第四屆超親密小戲節;2011年─2013年飛人集社˙小孩也可以看系列「一睡一醒之間」首部曲《初生》、二部曲《長大的那一天》、終曲《消失─神木下的夢》;2012年偶愛自然《小森林馬戲團》、2011年《攜帶播音員─契訶夫聽覺計畫》;2010年荷蘭多德瑞克市第25屆國際偶劇節邀演《客廳物語》;2009年中正文化中心邀請製作「藝像臺灣」系列《逐鹿-Ita Thao的奇幻之旅》。

    The Flying Group Theatre was established in May of 2004 by Jade Shih. In Chinese, its name is a phonetic wordplay on “non-human,” suggesting puppetry, while at the same time evoking the image of a place of gathering for artists and creative talents who fly around freely within the theatre. In the earlier years following the group’s inception, puppetry was the main focus of creative expression. The group’s work was nominated for the Taishin Art Award numerous times, and was invited to take part in art festivals in Taiwan, Beijing, the Netherlands, France and Singapore.

    In 2010, the Flying Group Theatre transitioned into their second phase when they asked the theater lecturer and creator, Yu-hway Fu, to serve as their artistic director. This was the same time the paper-cut poet Xia Xia became a core member of the company.

    The Flying Group Theatre strives to produce performance pieces which follow the spirit of multimedia integration, are intimate in scale, and challenge the traditionally accepted distance between performer and spectator. Other than producing modern puppet theater, the Flying Group also collaborated with a wide range of artists.

    In the same year, the Flying Group hosted the first CLOSE TO YOU International Puppet Festival. As the curator and organizer of the festival, the Flying Group promoted the concept of the “small scale puppet theater” which uses objects as the primary media in theater pieces and performs in non traditional theater and intimate spaces. In addition to inviting international groups who create small scale puppet theater to Taiwan, the festival also brought together local puppet theater artists and enthusiasts to create and perform new innovative performances. This year, the festival was held for the fourth time.

    In 2011, the Flying Group collaborated with L'est et l'Ouest, a French based theater company founded by Jung-Shih Chou, to debut the trilogy, A Sleep and a Forgetting, which is part of the For You, My Children series. The stories focused on the theme of growing up with bedtime stories, beginning with “birth” to “growing up”, and eventually to the inevitable “farewell.” Using a hybrid and close-up theater format, the trilogy narrated the phases of a child’s life, while simultaneously cultivating an exchange between Taiwanese and French children’s theater.

    The three parts of the trilogy were successively created during 2011 and 2013. The performances were conducted in both Chinese and French, and debuted in Taipei, Taiwan and Marseilles, France. The Flying Group has started a tour of the trilogy across Taiwan in 2012 and the finale will be done in 2014.

    Major works of recent years include:

    The annual CLOSE TO YOU International Puppet Festival (2010~), A Sleep and a Forgetting I: Birth (La Naissance) (2011), A Sleep and a Forgetting II: The Day One Grows Up (Le jour de garndi) (2012), A Sleep and a Forgetting III: Fading away- a Dream Under the Thousand-year-old Tree (La Disparition-rêverie sous I'arbre de mille ans) (2013), Forest Puppet Theater (2012), Chekhov Sounds (2011), Livingroomrouteat the 25th Internationaal Poppentheatr Festival Dordrecht (2010), Taiwan Art Images series: The Pursuit of White Deer commissioned by Chiang Kai-shek Cultural Center (2009)

    團長 Executive Director / Founder /
    石佩玉 Pei-Yu Shih

    1970.年生於台北,銘傳大學觀光系畢業,現任【飛人集社劇團】團長、劇場專案製作人 ,專長偶劇編劇/導演/操偶人/戲偶設計製作。曾任【創作社劇團】劇團經理/製作人/執 行製作,【鞋子兒童實驗劇團】專職行政/製作人/執行製作,【太古踏舞團】專職行政。 早期擔任專案製作人,製作案包括創作社《夜夜夜麻+驚異派對/2007》《幾米「地下鐵」 -一個音樂的旅程/2004》、莎妹《膚色的時光/2009》《麥可傑克森/2005》、兩廳院《 看不見的城市/2007》、身體氣象館《敲天堂之門/2006》等。

    與無獨有偶劇團、沙丁龐客劇團、河床劇團、莎士比亞的妹妹們的劇團、鞋子兒童劇團、 台灣弦樂團、NSO合作擔任戲偶設計製作。1997與荷蘭導演Damiet van Dalsum合作, 首次偶戲演出。1999嘗試偶劇短篇創作,2002獨立呈現現代偶劇《B612》,陸續發表現 代偶劇作品,獲誠品戲劇節、皇冠藝術節、兩廳院新點子邀約製作,作品獲台新藝術獎提 名。導演作品:《初生》飛人集社、《鼠際大戰》NSO、《2009萬聖派對》NSO。戲偶設 計作品:《NSO遇見幾米》NSO、《小小孩》無獨有偶劇團、《在世界的房間》《馬穆與 精靈》沙丁龐客劇團、《變成雲的男人》河床劇團。


    Add:100台北市中華路二段493號 (圓場O space)
    No. 493 Sec. 2, Zonghua Rd.Taipei 100, Taiwan, R.O.C.
    Tel :886-2-23378859 Fax:886-2-23036890
