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    章韶洵,近年來以鋼琴獨奏家身份嶄露頭角,曾獲紐約國際藝術家鋼琴比賽、大都會國際鋼琴比賽、Bradshaw & Buono國際鋼琴比賽、台北蕭邦國際少年鋼琴比賽等國際大獎。在國內外演出活躍,曾登台紐約卡內基威爾廳、考夫曼中心莫肯廳、紐約州Shandelee音樂節、國家音樂廳、誠品松菸表演廳等等。

    室內樂、樂團方面也經驗豐富,在台灣和美國為聲樂和各種器樂伴奏二十多年,曾於獨奏會、比賽、大師班、考試、歌劇採排等場合演出。在琵琶地音樂院擔任歌劇伴奏,參與多齣歌劇製作,如威爾第《茶花女》、莫札特《魔笛》改編的《帕帕基諾》、Melissa Shiflett的現代歌劇《Dora》。亦曾與師大管樂團全省巡迴演出,擔任鋼琴主奏,演奏蓋希文的藍色狂想曲和Lancen的Parade Concerto。

    在國內接受完整音樂教育,先後就讀福星國小音樂班、師大附中音樂班、國立台灣師範大學音樂系,並取得美國約翰霍普金斯大學琵琶第音樂院鋼琴演奏碩士和博士,曾跟隨俄國鋼琴家 Alexander Shtarkman、葉綠娜老師、陳郁秀老師、陳泰成老師、董學渝老師、彭聖錦老師學習。在琵琶地音樂院畢業時以優秀成績獲得Pauline Favin 紀念獎之殊榮。畢業後在美國馬里蘭州的Park School和Roberson School of Music任職鋼琴教師,亦曾擔任琵琶地音樂院先修班協奏曲比賽的評委。現為華夏科技大學助理教授,並任教於新民高中和花蓮高中音樂班。同時也是台北市立交響樂團鋼琴與鋼片琴協演人員。

    Award-winning pianist Shao-Hsun Chang has performed extensively in Taiwan and the United States. Performance highlights include recitals at Taiwan’s National Concert Hall, the Shandelee Music Festival in New York, and Carnegie’s Weill Recital Hall and Kaufman Center's Merkin Hall. Previously, she twice toured Taiwan performing concerti with the National Taiwan Normal University’s Wind Orchestra, playing Gershwin’s Rhapsody in Blue and Sergey Lancen’s Parade Concerto.

    As a collaborative artist, she accompanies diverse instrumentalists and singers. She has also served as accompanist for the Peabody Institute’s Opera Department, participating in productions such as La Traviata, Melissa Shiflett’s contemporary opera Dora, and Peabody Opera Outreach’s Papageno. In addition to performing, she also writes her own compositions, including pieces for piano solo and clarinet/piano duet.

    Dr. Chang earned the Doctor of Musical Arts and Master of Music degrees in piano performance from the Peabody Institute of The Johns Hopkins University, where she studied with Alexander Shtarkman. In recognition of her outstanding performances at Peabody, she received the Pauline Favin Memorial Award upon graduation. She taught piano at the Roberson School of Music in Columbia, Maryland, and The Park School in Baltimore, Maryland, where she guides pianists to discover the joy of music-making.​​

