

2024 ART KAOHSIUNG 高雄藝術博覽會


李真重裝雕塑 空降巴黎Li Chen's Monumental Sculptures Descend Upon Paris

李真重裝雕塑 空降巴黎Li Chen's Monumental Sculptures Descend Upon Paris


單位:亞洲藝術中心 Asia Art Center Co., Ltd. 《更多相關活動》

備受國際關注的華人當代雕塑家李真,即將受邀於法國巴黎凡登廣場(Place Vendôme)展出,正式宣告歐洲巡迴展開跑! 展期92日-29日,2011年中正紀念堂戶外雕塑大展的規模即將移師巴黎,在有著「巴黎珠寶箱」美譽的「凡登廣場」舉辦。展出作品囊括12件李真創作中最具代表性的大型雕塑,涵蓋1998年至2010年的四個重要創作系列


過去一年來,工作團隊與凡登廣場委員會不斷協調展期、確認地面承重、倉庫空間規劃、運輸動線,經過密集的交涉,終於2013年得到最後確認,工作團隊立即著手進行運輸前置作業。此次凡登廣場展出最大者高達9米、3層樓高,重達2噸,動用了所有人力以大型機具吊掛移動,在挑高的工作室中嚴密包裝作品及當地佈展所需之工具與材料,動用吊卡車、堆高機、低板拖車、貨櫃車等大型機具,終能將巨大的作品裝入特別訂製的木箱並吊入貨櫃。偌大的工作室中,人員在作品、木箱、貨櫃之間穿梭,如同格列佛遊記一般,比較出渺小,更顯現藝術家創作巨型雕塑和舉辦歐洲大展的精神可佩。過程中工作團隊不斷克服各種技術難題,工法之繁複正如建築現場,花費整整一週的時間──2013710日,6支貨櫃正式出港! 目前12件雕塑正在海上航行,預計8月中旬抵達法國。








李真2013巴黎凡登廣場大型雕塑個展Li Chen Premiere Sculpture Exhibition in Paris




201392- 929



Internationally acclaimed Chinese contemporary sculptor, Li Chen, is officially invited to host a major outdoor sculpture exhibition at Place Vendôme in Paris. The event will span from September 2nd to 29th, 2013, launching the debut of his exhibition tour in Europe. Li Chen’s much-appreciated outdoor exhibition premiere at Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall back in 2011 will be viewable at Place Vendôme—a treasure trove in Paris and home to some of the biggest names in jewelry. They will display 12 representative sculptures from Li Chen’s 4 creative series from 1998 to 2010.

Li Chen international recognition and credibility has steadily risen since his solo exhibition at the International Art Exhibition (La Biennale di Venezia), or so-called Olympics of art, in 2007. Among all the art forms, making sculptures is considered a laborious work of “heavy industry”. Therefore, many art historians and scholars believe that a distinguished sculptor is harder to come by than a painter. In fact, a 3-dimensional sculpture contains intricate interior structure; it requires physical balance calculation and excelled technique to put artist’s wildest imagination into form. In addition, one needs a spatial studio for the artworks, equipments, and scaffolding for the artist to climb up and down. The making process of a sculpture from scratch is physically consuming and considerably dangerous, not to mention exceptionally detailed arrangements including installation schedule and in-land transportation are necessary for domestic exhibitions. Therefore, without continuous cooperation from Li Chen’s professional organizer, his sculpture exhibition in Europe wouldn’t have been possible!

Over this past year, his project organizer has coordinated ceaselessly with Vendôme’s committee on issues such as extending the exhibition period, confirming maximum load capacities, planning transportation and storage, and more. After intensive negotiations, the exhibition was declared official by authorities in 2013. At this point, the organizational team immediately proceeded with transportation arrangements. For instance, the largest piece to be displayed at Place Vendôme is 9 meters (3-storey) high, and weighs 2 tons! The transportation process for this exhibition was particularly complex and involved considerable manpower and machinery. Inside the artist’s high-ceilinged studio, workers scrupulously packed works of art as well as installation equipments. Cranes, forklifts, trailers, and semi-trucks were also utilized to place these large pieces of art into customized crates, and then containers. Inside the studio, workers traverse among relatively huge artworks, heavy crates and containers, as if stepping into Jonathan Swift’s Gulliver's Travels. The tiny human figures are in contrast with giant sculptures, symbolizing an admirable spirit and determination to organize such major exhibition in Europe. With their professional knowledge and skills, the team was able to overcome several technical difficulties. Followed by one laborious week as complicated as any other construction project, the ship carrying 6 containers left the port on July 10th, 2013. Currently the 12 sculptures are on their way to France and are expected to arrive in mid-August.

Starting on September 2nd, 12 sculptures: Pure Land, Clear Soul, Landscape in Heaven, Soothing Breezes Floating Clouds, Float to Sukhavati, Angelic Smile, The Pursuer, Flickering Moonlight, Dragon-Riding Buddha, Floating Heavenly Palace, Lord of Wind, and Lord of Fire, will be on show at the square of Place Vendôme. Some sculptures facial expression, posture, and body display a childlike innocence, concealing great wisdom behind humorous narrative; some works are metaphorical presentation of natural power, through the series of Soul Guardians to point out our desire for spiritual salvation in an age of disasters and calamities. Li Chens artwork is an integration of Eastern and Western artistic language based on Chinese traditional culture, a transcendental experience of levity through monumental sculptures.

In addition to detailed and fascinating documentation of sculpture packing process captured by photographer, Li Chen’s “New Eastern” sculpture has aroused interests among other European countries, with Italian and German organization initiating their preliminary contact with the artist. Thanks to the strong support from the Evergreen Group and several French organizations, as well as enthusiastic participation from many art lovers, Chinese art can be appreciated by the global community. We cordially invite you and your friends to plan ahead for a journey to Paris to uncover a wealth of joy amidst the simple life’s pleasures with the artist.

Exhibition Information


Li Chen


Li Chen Premiere Sculpture Exhibition in Paris


Place Vendôme, Paris


September 2 – September 29, 2013

Opening Hours:

Free to the public and is open 24 hours


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