

2024 ART KAOHSIUNG 高雄藝術博覽會


2014TIFA-山宛然 × 弘宛然《聊齋─聊什麼哉?!》 Inside Out:A Tale of Allure and Enchantment

2014TIFA-山宛然 × 弘宛然《聊齋─聊什麼哉?!》 Inside Out:A Tale of Allure and Enchantment

時間:2014/03/21 - 2014/03/23 《活動已結束》

地點:國家戲劇院實驗劇場(台北市中山南路21-1號) (地圖MAP)





《聊 齋─聊什麼哉?》在國寶級大師陳錫煌師傅指導下,山宛然與弘宛然布袋戲團特邀劇團導演王嘉明與編劇林建華共同創作,以現代劇場手法塑造嶄新風貌的「媚怪布 袋戲劇場」,打破傳統彩樓的框架,屏風、龍柱滿台跑。還把演、樂師請出幕後,鑼鼓樂串絲竹樂,讓布袋戲裡的每一個元素更為鮮活靈動。


山宛然團長黃武山,師承李天祿,於2002年創團,規劃客家戲劇、布袋戲與音樂的結合課程。「山宛然」與「弘宛然」劇團皆保有簡單樸素的布袋戲表 演風格,秉持「亦宛然」所傳承的掌中技藝,從台前的表演,到後場吹、彈、鈸、鈔樂器的搭配無一不通透,更致力讓布袋戲不只是布袋戲。近年更到荷蘭、捷克、 法國、美國、突尼西亞巡演推廣布袋戲。



演後座談:3/22-23 (六-日) 午場於實驗劇場

Breaking the traditional framework and creating a new world
Opening the black box and revealing evil spirits to bewilder human senses

Inside Out: A Tale of Allure and Enchantment is a breakthrough for the puppet theater. Under the instructions of National Treasure Master CHEN Xi-huang, Shan Puppet and Hong Puppet invite director WANG Chia-ming and scriptwriter LIN Jian-hua to create a brand-new puppet theater that is both bewildering and enchanting with the techniques of modern theater. It does not only break the traditional window frame to allow screens and pillars to run on the stage, but also bring the puppet-players and musicians up to the front for all the audiences to see. Drums, gongs and string instruments make every element of the puppet theater even more lively and vigorous.
Surrounding human emotions and desires, six stories from Liaozhai Zhiyi (Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio) feature ghosts, deities, evil spirits and foxes that disturb human beings’ six senses, namely, eyes, ears, noses, tongues, bodies and minds. Within the black box, all the imaginations and fantasies play to the extreme.

HUANG Wu-shan, a disciple of puppet theater master LI Tien-lu, established Shan Puppet in 2002, creating programs composed of Hakka theater, puppet and music. The performances of Shan Puppet and Hong Puppet inherit the skills from the I Wan Jan Puppet Theater and preserve the simple style of the traditional puppet theater. Huang masters not only the puppet manipulation in the front stage, but also all sorts of instruments in the back stage. He has been dedicated to promoting the traditional puppet theater, aiming to go beyond the limits of tradition, and has toured to the Netherlands, Czech, France, USA and Tunisia for this cause.

■approx. 80 minutes without intermission
■Performed in Taiwanese and Hakka with Chinese surtitle
Post-talk: 3/22-23 (Sat.-Sun.) after the matinees
Recording Date: 3/22 (Sat.) 19:30




【2014TIFA 套票優惠】
●一次購買全系列22檔,可享5折(限量100套):每組套票需含2014 TIFA全系列22檔節目,每檔節目各1張為1套
2014/1/27-3/31憑兌換券加贈好禮「Aesop清潔保養組(50ml洗髮露+50ml潤髮乳)」乙份 (數量有限,換完為止)。
2014/1/27-3/31憑兌換券加贈好禮「Aesop輕巧體驗組(45g香塊+身體乳霜試用包)」乙份 (數量有限,換完為止)。


●2014TIFA─NSO《英倫盛宴》同列為NSO 2013/14愛樂套票節目,套票已於2013年7月8日啟售,TIFA套票與MyNSO套票中僅能擇一選購,套票購買後恕不得單場退換票。

●2014/1/1-3/31憑「來自印度的天籟」票券可免費體驗SPACE YOGA瑜珈課程一堂(市價$950,限非SPACE會員及首次體驗者)。SPACE YOGA會員憑會員卡至兩廳院售票口購買「來自印度的天籟」票券享9折優惠。
●凡購買2014TIFA任一檔演出票券,即日起至2014/3/30,憑票至全台COLD STONE門市購買大杯經典冰淇淋,享折抵50元優惠。

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