


【每日藝聞】楊‧法布爾/信念創作體《死亡練習曲》挑戰身體可塑性 歌頌身體與生存慾望的獨特美學作品

【每日藝聞】楊‧法布爾/信念創作體《死亡練習曲》挑戰身體可塑性 歌頌身體與生存慾望的獨特美學作品


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【每日藝聞】楊‧法布爾/信念創作體《死亡練習曲》挑戰身體可塑性 歌頌身體與生存慾望的獨特美學作品

YOURART編輯 林曉當‧國立中正文化中心新聞聯絡人 陳意羚 黃惠榮 王瓊英 彭懿芬 施舜馨

跨足視覺、寫作、導演及編舞等藝術領域,也是首位在世就獲邀於羅浮宮辦個展的藝術家——楊.法布爾(Jan Fabre),即將首次帶著他的劇場作品與台灣的觀眾朋友見面。這位思想獨特、充滿創意、挑釁文明與道德的全能藝術家,在兩廳院「世界之窗——非常比利時」系列中呈現兩齣劇場作品《死亡練習曲》(Preparatio mortis)與《藥讓我活下去》(Drugs kept me alive)兩齣獨舞的的作品,透過這兩個作品,可以看到楊‧法布爾對於死亡、存活與美的獨特思考。

楊‧法布爾在美術、編舞、及戲劇都有極高的成就,1958年出生於比利時的安特衛普,畢業於安特衛普皇家美術及裝飾學校,1986年創立信念創作體(Troubleyn),2005年並擔任亞維儂藝術節主席。楊‧法布爾許多作品都與「死後餘生」有關,擅長使用甲蟲殼製成雕塑品,曾受邀替布魯塞爾皇宮鏡廳天花板重新裝潢,親自爬上鷹架以一百六十萬個甲蟲殼進行天花板裝飾,深受比利時人的肯定與喜愛,這一切或許與他的曾祖父,法國的昆蟲學家尚—亨利‧法布爾(Jean-Henri Fabre)有關,法布爾從小就對昆蟲的「蛻變」過程非常著迷,這也成為他創作中的重要元素,返回原始的昆蟲狀態,或許才是人類的救贖。從昆蟲的甲殼延續到身體,楊‧法布爾的作品經常討論死亡、性、血液、器官、暴力等題材,楊‧法布爾認為身體是一個「美」的戰場,歡愉的生存與痛苦的掙扎,也是楊‧法布爾作品下的真實人生。

11月14日至17日在實驗劇場演出的《死亡練習曲》,這是楊.法布爾為法國舞者安娜貝兒˙尚邦(Annabelle Chambon)打造之獨舞作品,這是一齣沒有語言的舞作,舞台上繽紛的花海陳設一座透明的棺木,管風琴的聲音既如福音亦似喪鐘地響起,安娜貝兒化身為美麗女戰士,在墳墓裡甦醒,舞台上的鮮花象徵生命,但花朵隨著舞者的擠壓、踏踩逐漸破碎,透過嗅覺,可以聞到花朵死亡破敗的氣息,最後舞者裸身蜷曲在透明的棺木之中,像是死亡,卻又像是重返母體子宮,透明棺木上的數字,也讓既是生日,也像是忌日,從出生到死亡,死亡即是重生。《死亡練習曲》是楊.法布爾挑戰身體的可塑性,歌頌身體與生存慾望的作品,第一版長度只有22分鐘,是楊.法布爾2005年在亞維儂擔任駐節藝術家時發表的作品,2010年法布爾重新創作成55分鐘的版本,也是本次台灣觀眾會看到的版本。



世界之窗 比利時系列-楊‧法布爾《死亡練習曲》 Jan Fabre/Troubleyn - Preparatio Mortis
時間:2013/11/14 - 2013/11/17
票價: 800(僅剩少數票券)

世界之窗 比利時系列-楊‧法布爾《藥讓我活下去》 Jan Fabre/Troubleyn - Drugs Kept Me Alive
時間:2013/11/21 - 2013/11/24
票價: 800


安娜貝兒˙尚邦(Annabelle Chambon)

Annabelle Chambon is een Franse danseres en performer. In 1997, behaalde ze het Diplôme National d'Etudes Supérieurs Chorégraphiques, aan het Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique et de Danse de Lyon.

楊‧法布爾 Jan Fabre


Jan Fabre (born 1958, Antwerp, Belgium) is a Belgian multidisciplinary artist, playwright, stage director, choreographer and designer.

He studied at the Municipal Institute of Decorative Arts and the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Antwerp. Between 1976 and 1980 he wrote his first scripts for the theatre and made his début performances.

Between 1976 en 1980 he wrote his first texts for the theatre and did his first solo performances. During his 'money-performances' he burned money and wrote the word 'MONEY' with the ashes. In 1977 he renames the street where he lives to "Jan Fabre street" and fixes a commemorative plaque "Here lives and works Jan Fabre" to the house of his parents, by analogy to the commemorative plate on the house of Vincent Van Gogh in the same street. In 1978 he makes drawings with his own blood during the solo performance 'My body, my blood, my landscape'. In 1980 'The Bic-Art Room' he had himself locked up for three days and three nights in a white cube full of objects, drawing with blue Bic ballpoint pens as an alternative to Big art Established in 1986, Troubleyn/Jan Fabre is a theatre company with extensive international operations, with its home base in Antwerp, Belgium.

Fabre is famous for his Bic-art (ballpoint drawings). In 1990, he covered an entire building with ballpoint drawings.

He explores the relationships between drawing and sculpture. He also makes sculptures in bronze (among them The man who measures the clouds and Searching for Utopia) and with beetles.

His decoration of the ceiling of the Royal Palace in Brussels Heaven of Delight (made out of one million six hundred thousand jewel-scarab wing cases) is widely praised. In 2004 he erected Totem, a giant bug stuck on a 70 foot steel needle, on the Ladeuzeplein in Leuven.

In 2008, Jan Fabre's The Angel of Metamorphosis exhibition was held at the Louvre Museum.

On 26 October 2012, several media reported how during a shoot in the Antwerp town hall for a forthcoming film on Fabre, living cats were thrown repeatedly several meters spinning into the air, after which they made a hard landing on the steps of the entrance hall. Animal welfare executive chairman Luc Bungeneers said he was having a meeting with his party chairman when he heard howling cats. "To my horror, we found cats were being assaulted in the name of art" Bungeneers said. "It went on for several hours." The filming was eventually aborted after protests from the crew's own technicians. Later that day, Fabre claimed all cats were still in good health and it was a conspiracy of the political party NVA.[1][2][3][4] Mr Fabre has received 20,000 emails slamming his act. He has also been attacked seven times by men carrying clubs whilst out jogging in the park and been forced to sleep in a different location every night.Antwerp's deputy mayor for animal wellbeing and the animal rights organisation Global Action in the Interest of Animals also launched complaints about Mr Fabre's controversial act.

From 1980 he began his career as a stage director and stage designer:

  • Theater geschreven met een K is een kater (1980)
  • Het is theater zoals te verwachten en te voorzien was ("It is Theatre as to be Expected and Foreseen" 1982)
  • De macht der theaterlijke dwaasheden ("The power of theatrical madness", Venice Biennale 1984)
  • Das Glas im Kopf wird vom Glas (1987)
  • Prometheus Landschaft (1988)
  • Das Interview das stirbt... (1989)
  • Der Palast um vier Uhr morgens... A.G. (1989)
  • Die Reinkarnation Gottes (1989)
  • Das Glas im Kopf wird vom Glas (1990)
  • The Sound of one hand clapping (1990)
  • Sweet Temptations (1991)
  • She was and she is, even (1991)
  • Wie spreekt mijn gedachte ... (1992)
  • Silent Screams, Difficult Dreams (1992)
  • Vervalsing zoals ze is, onvervalst (1992)
  • Da un’altra faccia del tempo (1993)
  • Quando la terra si rimette in movimento (1995)
  • Three Dance-solos (1995)
  • A dead normal woman (1995)
  • Universal Copyrights 1 & 9 (1995)
  • De keizer van het verlies (1996)
  • The very seat of honour (1997)
  • Body, Body on the wall (1997)
  • Glowing Icons (1997)
  • The Pick-wick-man (1997)
  • Ik ben jaloers op elke zee… (1997)
  • The fin comes a little bit earlier this siècle (But business as usual) (1998)
  • Het nut van de nacht (1999)
  • As long as the world needs a warrior’s soul (2000)
  • My movements are alone like streetdogs (2000)
  • Je suis Sang (conte de fées médiéval) (2001)
  • Het zwanenmeer (2002)
  • Swanlake (2002)
  • Parrots & guinea pigs (2002)
  • Je suis sang (2003)
  • Angel of death (2003)
  • Tannhäuser (co-production) (2004)
  • Elle était et elle est, même (2004)
  • Etant donnés (2004)
  • Quando L'Uomo principale è una donna (2004)
  • The crying body (2004)
  • The King of Plagiarism (2005)
  • History of Tears (2005)
  • I am a Mistake (2007)
  • Requiem für eine Metamorphose (2007)
  • Another Sleepy Dusty Delta Day (2008)
  • Orgy of Tolerance (2009)
  • The Servant of Beauty (2010)
  • Preparatio Mortis (2010)
  • Prometheus–Landscape II (2011)


生死的美學極限 法布爾《死亡練習曲》在台首演
《死亡練習曲》 詮釋生命的起滅
死亡練習曲 透明棺木參透生與死
"死亡練習曲"讚嘆生命瞬息消逝 表現死亡亦是重生


Jan Fabre met Preparatio Mortis in deSingel
"Preparatio Mortis" Troubleyn / Jan Fabre
lisbeth gruwez in Jan Fabre's" Quando l'uomo principale e una donna"
2010 Preparatio mortis (with Annabelle Chambon)
Jan Fabre - L'Histoire des Larmes
2012 Drugs kept me alive
Jan Fabre's "Angel of Death"
Jan Fabre//Another Sleepy Dusty Delta Day
Troubleyn Jan Fabre
Interview: Jan Fabre - (With French subtitles)
Transformation Exhibition Jan Fabre Interview
Jan Fabre verovert het Louvre
In Your Face!: Jan Fabre
Jan Fabre - Chevalier du désespoir


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