

2024 ART KAOHSIUNG 高雄藝術博覽會


 空間回應-互動藝術展  RESPONSPACE - interactive art exhibition

空間回應-互動藝術展 RESPONSPACE - interactive art exhibition

時間:2014/09/27 - 2014/11/09 《活動已結束》


單位:台北當代藝術館 《更多相關活動》

費用:免費 Free


台北當代藝術館策劃的「藝術一條街」計畫,致力於將當代藝術帶入生活場域,拓展城市空間 作為常民美學與藝術展示的可能性;2014年與誠品站前店合作的第二檔展覽「空間回應-互動藝術展」,邀請擁有空間規劃、科技互動、藝術創作等跨域專長的 設計團隊,將建築的基本元素轉化為科技互動的藝術呈現。

人類生活的演化過程中,因應環境的改變以及使用上的需要而創造不同的「空間」,而空間也 因為人類的多元創意,衍生了許多日新又新的建築型式;一些機能性的空間因為人類行為需求而成立,反之人類的行為也會因為環境和空間而產生不同的因應模式, 「空間回應-互動藝術展」試圖探討和呈現人們的行為反應以及空間的再回應,藉由人與空間交流的過程及互相回饋的機制,將蒐集而來的數據,運用於設計之中, 進而創造出更大的彈性空間和更活潑的人類行為模式。

「牆、柱、板」 是空間最基本的構築元素,在這當中加入具有不同生命觸感的動態裝置,是「GT設計團隊」致力開發的空間實驗與科技藝術,在變異的空間元素催化下,人們對空 間的情感產生變化,群體間的關係獲得重組,人們在空間遺留痕跡的方式也變得不同,而空間記錄人群的回應也不斷地被更新,這是一個人與空間相互了解與相互學 習的過程,對於雙方而言,這不只是互動,這是經過思考,甚至加入了情感的回應。

本展四件作品,透過電子零件以及感測裝置的作用,將人的介入參與和藝術作品本身連結,並 將原本冷漠疏離的人群,透過互動轉化成為熱情的行為表演,再回饋到彼此間的視覺、觸覺感知。當觀眾與作品產生第一類接觸、第一次對話之後,進而體驗創作者 所設定的行為觀察模式與美學實驗;這類互動作品希望在遊戲的層次之外,更深入地探究著,當空間以另一種有機的形式存在時,人群如何體認自身即世界主體的信 念,進而感受空間所提供的誠實回應。

Since the launch of ‘Art Street’, Museum of Contemporary Art, Taipei has explored diverse possibilities for art and for all by introducing contemporary art to living space. In the fall of 2014, MOCA Taipei partners with Eslite Taipei Station Store to co-present the second exhibition – “RESPONSPACE – Interactive Art Exhibition”. We have invited a cross-disciplinary creative team of architects, digital engineers and designers to bring forward digital art in architectural regime.

In the process of evolution and civilization, varieties of “space” have been created in response to environmental changes and people’s needs. Creativity cultivates the construction of space and extends to architecture innovations. The functionality of space is designed for our needs while our behavior leads to architectural advancement. RESPONSPACE attempts to investigate as well as to present the spatial response caused by human behavior. Throughout the interactivity and the responsivity between human and space, data would be collected that helps build a lively space and encourage animated gestures.

GT Consulting Planners is interested in experimenting and crisscrossing space, technology and art by injecting a human touch into building components like surfaces and columns. The variations of these components elicit our emotions towards a space and thus evolves the bonding within a community. People would leave traces in a different manner and so would space react to them. It is a mutual understanding and learning process driven not only by interactions but also by feelings and contemplations.

Four works exhibited in RESPONSPACE built with electronic devices and detectors are meant to connect with people’s intervention and participation. By opening one’s senses, an emotionally detached passer-by would become a sensitive, passionate performer. From the first encounter to the first movement, participants would realize the pre-designed behavioral mode and experience the aesthetics within. Stemming from recreation, this interactive art exhibition aims to provoke thoughts about how we react to an organic form of space and recognize self in the aspect of subjectivity. As a matter of course, we receive honest feedback from the space we are in.



Chung Yu Hua, Huang Shun Hui, Lee Chen An , Lai Kuan Ting, Liu Keng Wei, Tsai Yi Chang, Wei Yu Shan, Wei Yuh Hsiang



GT 巨集設計致力於將新的思維融合科技、製造方式,來探討設計的可能性,並在都市設計、互動裝置及公共藝術中實踐人與空間的創新建築關係。從極大與極小的空間 領域中尋找可能的環境原型與運作系統,在人群生活與技術發展中創造出更多元豐富的行為模式,以不同尺度的演算方式連結人造物件與自然環境的關係,進而不斷 的構築未來世界的可行性。


Team Introduction:

GT Consulting Planners is a team of architects and designers from various fields. GT is dedicated to exploring new design possibilities arising from the integration of innovative thinking, technology and manufacturing. The creations from GT demonstrate a new architectural relationship between body and space bought by digital devices and responsive systems allocated in substantial urban environment.



渦影 / Maker Faire Taipei 2014 自造者創意馬拉松,2014

向前走 / 新北市新莊勞工中心公共藝術設置案,2013

X_Site / 地景裝置計畫;乙太計畫 / 台北市立美術館,2013

氣墊雲 / 玩聚場裝置展,2013


List of Projects:

Mirrorwall / Maker Faire Taipei 2014, 2014

Forging Ahead / Public Art Installation Project for the Xinzhuang District Labor Affairs Department, New Taipei City Government, 2013

X_Site / Landscape Art Installation; AETHER / Taipei Fine Arts Museum, 2013

Inflatable Cloud / Play Together Installation Exhibition, 2013



1. 作品偵測肢體動作,牆面產生立體空間的動態,觀者可於互動中觀察鏡中的世界,與外在環境產生的變化。為了您與作品的安全,請勿觸碰作品。

2. 因場地環境限制,作品將不開放作品互動,僅靜態展示。

3. 裝置偵測到人體後會進行充氣,互動時觀察人與氣墊雲之充氣囊產生空間變化。為了您與作品的安全,請勿觸碰作品。

4. 輕觸作品表面,觀察燈光與肢體動作產生變化,作品經由人的直接接觸,產生發光的圖騰,並記錄下回應的訊息。為了您與作品的安全,請勿用力拉扯、拍打作品。

How the interaction works: 

1. The device detects your movement and reacts in dynamic forms. You can observe the world through the Mirrorwall and its changes in response to external interventions. For your safety, please do not touch.

2. Due to the limitation of the site, this work exhibits only in a static way.

3. The airbags will inflate when the device detects your presence. Experience the change in space when you interact with the Inflatable Cloud. For your safety, please do not touch.

4. Please gently touch the surface to observe the light pattern responding to your physical movement. For your safety, please do not drag, pull or hit the device.


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2024 ART KAOHSIUNG 高雄藝術博覽會

2024 ART KAOHSIUNG 高雄藝術博覽會

時間: 2024/11/29 ~2024/12/01

2024 ART KAOHSIUNG 高雄藝術博覽會 2024. 11. 29 - 2024. 12. 01 (2024. 11. 28 ...