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    Nearly everything is design – every piece of watch, every interior or tool is designed. Visitors can learn this in an exciting way in the new Red Dot Design Museum Taipei. On their way through the changing exhibitions, they will meet Red Dot-awarded objects from various life and product worlds. From jewellery and household items to furniture and vehicles: What all of the products have in common is their excellent design quality. That is why they have won an award in one of the most important international design competitions – the Red Dot Design Award.

    「臺北紅點設計博物館」將於2013年8月30日落腳松山文創園區,這處滿載歲月軌跡與人文風情的場域,特別邀請到台灣知名的室內設計師姚政仲先生打造展示空間。紅點設計執行長Dr. Peter Zec表示:「1997年,全球第一座紅點設計博物館設置在德國埃森,第二座則在2005年的新加坡,運用古蹟建築來襯托當代設計與時俱進的設計風格。睽違八年,我們很自豪地進駐華人地區首座紅點設計博物館在台北松山文創園區。昔日的舊菸廠不僅要成為今日文化創作者的靈感繆斯,更要把世界級的設計品帶給台灣人、走入尋常百姓家。」

    The Red Dot Design Museum Taipei will be opened on 30 August 2013 in the Songshan Tobacco Factory, a historical building which is steeped in tradition. The interior of the museum was designed by the renowned Taiwanese designer Cheng Chung Yao. Professor Dr. Peter Zec, initiator and CEO of Red Dot, about the choice of the location: “The first Red Dot Design Museum was opened in Essen, Germany, in 1997. The success of this ever-changing exhibition of contemporary design in a historical building was repeated with the opening of the Red Dot Design Museum Singapore in 2005. Now, again eight years later, we are proud to make Taipei the hometown of the third museum that will showcase award-winning, modern products in the inspiring atmosphere of a former industrial area, and that will bring the world of design closer to the public.”


    The well-shaped and innovative exhibits inform visitors of the new Red Dot Design Museum about the state-of-the-art in international design and provide background knowledge. In addition, the presentation offers specialists a source of inspiration which encourages them to create good design, thus making their contribution to improving quality of life. From 31 August to 3 November 2013, the Red Dot Design Museum Taipei presents its first two exhibitions:


    美國企業家亨利.福特(Henry Ford)曾說:「每件產品都訴說著故事,唯有善於傾聽者才能體會箇中滋味。」這句至理名言啟發了這次的主題展,再小、再細微的產品設計都可能是大千世界系統化的縮影,創作並非純屬巧合,它就像四時更迭般歷經一場完整的設計思考過程;而設計師們則有意識或無意識地將自己對世界的看法及對生活的體驗注入在發想過程中,這次,請一起來聆聽設計師的產品創作故事,一同探索設計產品背後的生成史。

    Every Product Tells a Story

    The American entrepreneur Henry Ford once said: “Every object tells a story, if you know how to read it.” The exhibits in this exhibition, the title of which was inspired by this quote, act as examples for our product world. They show that almost every single everyday item is the result of a design process and that its form is not based on coincidence. Designers and companies change our day-to-day lives with their ideas –
    whether consciously or unconsciously. And the products reflect their underlying creativity, inspiration and idea. The “Every product tells a story” exhibition tells the stories behind the objects on show and allows the designers to speak. This gives the visitor fascinating insights into the creative process and the resulting design ideas.



    Style your life – Welcome to the world of design

    Design is the aesthetic expression of our consumer society and thus a major component of globalised everyday culture. By purchasing and using these design items, we decorate our bodies, make visual statements to those around us and organise our living space. We decide what our very own environment should look like. In using these design products, we thus express our character and our individuality. The “Style your life“ exhibition uses examples of objects that have won a Red Dot Design Award to demonstrate how these products inform our lives and – especially in the case of spectacles, jewellery or watches – underscore our personality. The exhibition also presents current trends in furniture, lighting and bathroom design.

    週二到週日9:30 a.m.—5:30 p.m. │ 週一公休


    開放時間:二 - 五 11.30 - 17.30|六 - 日 09:30 - 17:30 | 週一休館
    門票:一般票 $150、優待票 $100(學生、老年、身心障礙)
