座落於捷運劍潭站對面,士林臨時巿場舊址的臺北表演藝術中心(簡稱北藝中心),是臺北巿政府文化局興建中的文化展演設施。臺北市文化局委託文基會臺北表演藝中心辦理場館經營與籌備營運。由荷蘭大都會建築事務所(OMA)雷姆.庫哈斯(Rem Koolhaas)及大衛. 希艾萊特(David Gianotten)設計,北藝中心的設計理念源自士林夜市鴛鴦麻辣鍋,充分發揮空間運用的台灣極致美學。「劇場魔術方塊」的創意建築結構,讓劇場既各自獨立,又可變化結合,包含1,501席大劇院,799席球形鏡框式劇場,及400-800席多形式劇場,其中多形式中劇場及大劇院更可連通,創造第四個表演空間,組合成長65公尺,寬20公尺,2,550席次的超級大劇院,空間運用的彈性不僅給予創作者更多想像空間,更成為建築與劇場設計概念的創舉。
北藝中心希望打破劇場空間的既定模式,顛覆演出時間的傳統觀念,以「空間跨界,實驗創新,多元科技」為主軸,建構出「Play Different」的營運核心理念,也透過公共參觀動線設計,讓訪客可以親身體驗劇場製作氛圍,與民眾互動,共享,打造全民劇場品牌價值。
Taipei Performing Arts Center
Inspired by Taiwanese hotpot as a diagram of consolidation and efficiency, Taipei Performing Arts Center (TPAC) is designed by OMA, led by renowned architects Rem Koolhaas and David Gianotten, and will be the new cultural landmark in Taiwan.
Resembling a magic cube, TPAC is a complex structure housing one grand theater (1,501 seats), one proscenium theater (799 seats) and one multiform theater (400-800 seats), while the grand theater and multiform theater can be combined into a super theater (65m x 20m stage space) to accommodate productions with monumental scale.
Play Different is the core value of TPAC. We pursue cultural diversities, embrace innovative technology, challenge spatial boundary and incline to the projects that involve local community, either in artistic or creative aspects.
In addition to creating genre-crossing experience for audience, TPAC is eager to foster local and next generation of artists and to promote international collaboration, which will enable us to bring in a new perspective and present outstanding Taiwanese works on international stage.