


台北人 Wanderers of Taipei – 奧斯卡插畫個展

台北人 Wanderers of Taipei – 奧斯卡插畫個展

時間:2018/01/10 - 2018/02/13 《活動已結束》

地點:城市草倉 C-tea loft 10673 台北市大安區羅斯福路三段283巷19弄4號 (地圖MAP)

單位: 奧斯卡 Oscar Tsai 《更多相關活動》


台北人 Wanderers of Taipei – 奧斯卡插畫個展

【台北人】Wanderers of Taipei – 奧斯卡插畫個展 (台北場)

展期 | 2018.01.10 – 02.13 
地點 | 城市草倉 (平日 12 :00 -22 :00 假日 11:00-23:00)
地址 | 台北市大安區羅斯福路三段283巷19弄4號

座談會 | 2018.01.26 (五) 19:00 - 21:00
(座談會酌收茶水費,希望有意參加的朋友先填寫表單,方便掌握人數,表單連結 )

【 台北人 】

【 奧斯卡 】
生於1990年。現專職插畫工作者,2011年愚人節因意外開始作畫,從 敲擊鍵盤寫程式碼改拿畫筆,幾年來來回各城市,認識了些人,知道了 些事,畫下屬於這個時代的日常。

Wanderers of Taipei – Oscar Tsai Solo Illustration Exhibition

DATE | 10th January, 2018 – 13th February, 2018
LOCATION | C-tea Loft (weekday 12 :00 -22 :00 weekend 11:00-23:00)
ADDRESS | No.4, Aly. 19, Ln. 283, Sec. 3, Roosevelt Rd., Da’an Dist., Taipei City

CONFERENCE | 26th January (Fri) 19:00 - 21:00
(If you want to attend the conference, please fill in this sheet )

【 Wanderers of Taipei 】
People in Taipei are flowing. For hundreds of years, people from all over Taiwan have come to Taipei for living. They encountered each other on the street for a short period of time and then passed by. For some people, street may be the bridge connecting dot and dot. For others, street may be their home. In this series “Wanderers of Taipei”, as an observer, I drew the soul wandering on the street. To make people know the people around our lives, and to know what this era looks like.

【 Oscar Tsai 】
Born in 1990. Oscar lives and works as an illustrator now in a personal studio in Taipei. He started painting on Fool’s Day in 2011 because of an accident. These years, traveling through several cities, meeting some people, and knowing something new. He determined to paint the ordinary life of this era.

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